Chapter 15-those words hurt coming out

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I walk down the stairs barefoot in my red bikini with a towel over me. I walk toward the back door toward the pool. Seeing inuyasha sitting at the edge of the pool I smile I'll have to sacrifice myself for this on I say to myself I open the Door and inuyasha turns and smiles I smile back. Dropping my towel and start to run toward him pushing him into the pool I fall in as well. I surface to the top giggling and I hear a "I hate you" from inuyasha "sure you do Mr 'I want to hang out'" I say with a giggle while swimming to the edge to pull myself up "okay that isn't fair" he says  "what isn't fair" I say smiling now sitting at the edge of the pool "you using my words against me" he says also pulling himself up to sit next to me "it's not like I said anything mean..Oh where Sesshomaru" I say changing the subject "hes probably still sleeping still I think he's off today " Inuyasha says kicking his feet in the water "oh I forgot we woke up early" I say smiling "yea" Inuyasha says as he gets up

"hey Kagome look at this" he says kneeling down to look at the grass "what is it" I say getting up and walking toward the grass. I hear a chuckle by the time I relize I walked into a trap it's to late I'm in his arms and getting thrown into the pool squealing. "Why did you do that" I say once I surface "payback " he says chuckling "help me out the water is cold " I say putting my hand up so that he can grab it "I'm not falling for that" he says chuckling "falling for what" I say trying to sound confused "nothing nevermind " he says reaching out for me 'gotcha' I smile and pull him in "you did fall for it" I giggle I see him slowing sink back into the water "N-no" I squeal trying to swim away fast enough I feel a hand grab my leg and pull me down once I surface I look for inuyasha to see him under water again this time under my legs and pulling me up so that I'm on his shoulders "Inuyasha put me down I'm gonna fall" I blush trying to squirm out of his grasp "if you keep squirming you'll fall" he says smiling he then starts to walk toward the deep side "inuyasha let me go " I giggle "I swear if you dunk me I will get you back " I swear I heard his smirk he than drops me into the water. I surface to see him swimming to the edge "Inuyasha just wait till I get out" I say swimming toward the edge as well "you won't be able to catch me" he says with a smirk and out of the pool slowing going toward the grass "oh really " I say smirking  climbing out of the pool

"Inuyasha come here " I say running after him "never" he says running I 'acciddently' trip inuyasha stops "ow ow ow " I say sitting up and holding my ankle "are you okay kagome" Inuyasha said concerned "I don't know " I say standing and I act to fall as if I hurt my ankle "oh jeez Kagome" Inuyasha says coming to help me once he's close enough I tackle him "I got you" I say smiling "damn it your too good " he said laid there he than flips me over so that I'm under him "but I'm better " he says inches away from my face.

"Hey Kagome are you out here" Sota says from the back door "WHAT THE HELL GET OF MY SISTER YOU PREVERT" Sota yells running toward us "Sota  it isn't want you think " Inuyasha says getting off of me "yea right everytime I see you guys your always on her you prevert" Sota says. I giggle "Sota he's telling the truth me and inuyasha were just messing around " I say sitting back up "bullshit you guys were about to kiss I saw it with my own eyes" Sota says I relize how close me and inuyasha were seconds ago and blush "Sota th- isn't what you think trust me" I say "why was there a futon on your floor then huh" Sota says. I look at sota then at Inuyasha "Sota nothing happened I swear we..we aren't like that " I say getting sad all of a sudden. I start to get up and walking toward the door "Kagome come back" I hear inuyasha say behind me (he's following me) "oh jeez Kagome I believe yoh don't be mad" Sota says following behind inuyasha

I hear a knock on the door "Kagome open up are you okay" I hear inuyasha say on the other side of the Door "I'm fine" I say with a sniffle "Kagome are you crying open the door please" I hear him say I get up and unlock the door and head back to my bed and grab a pillow and cover my face in it. I hear the door open and close and the bed creak "Kagome what happened " Inuyasha said rubbing my back. I drop the pillow on the bed and wipe my face" I don't know...but it hurt to say those words" I say barely above of a whisper  it of course he heard "do you mean when you said that we aren't like that " he says tilting his head so that he can see mine. I nod "inuyasha i think....inuyasha might like you " I say turning away from him "you don't have to worry" he says "what do you mean I don't have to worry" I say turning to him "you don't have to worry because I like you too" he says smiling only inches away from my face. I feel his lips on mine my eyes widen but then close letting it all sink in

There goes another chapter

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