Chapter 2

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I woke up with the biggest head ach ever I felt like my head was going to explode. I sat up and my clothes where every where and the guy next to me where half dead, dick all out and condone hanging off. I don't remember having sex last night. I know I sure as hell wouldn't of fucked him. Last thing I remember was I was fully clothed and than I passed out.

Yo.! I yelled waking him up. He Bearly budged.


Did you rape me.?

Bitch gone head you wanted it, the way you danced on me last night. You ain't tell me no.! He said with his eyes closed drifting back asleep. I grabbed my clothes and quickly left the room. I wiped my fallin tears and walked as fast as I could down the street. I was so lost I really didn't know where I was going. My feet was hurting so bad. I took my heels off and walked barefooted. Can't believe he raped me.... Why me.? Maybe I did ask for it.! I picked up my phone and sat at a bus stop calling Rhyan. I need a damn ride and somebody to talk to.

Hello.! He answered giggling and laughing.

I need a ride. I said bluntly.

I can't right now I'm busy.! (Baby come on.......I'm ready to fuck again now.! A female voice sang in the background)

Please Rhyan I need you.

It was a long line of silence before he spoke. "Ight where you at.?" He asked sighing.

I don't know, I'm down the street in front of this abandoned house from the party we was at last night, can you hurry.?!

I'll be there in 5. And with that he hung up. I sat on the bench and waited for him like a sad little puppy. My mind kept going back to last night and what happened while I was passed out. Maybe I did deserve it, I shouldn't of been so stupid.....

An all black on black hummer with tinted windows pulled up. "Come on.!" Rhyan said rolling down the window. This must of been one of his new cars he just got. Rhyan had so much money I don't know where he got it from. His parents some what rich but they don't give him any he Bearly talks to them as is. I just know his lil 2 jobs he has don't support him like this. I got up and got in the car and it was so nice In The inside. All white interior, gps/radio was so big with a tv in the dashboard.


    Na'Kole got in the car and she looked like she was bothered I could tell something was wrong. She looked so beautiful even the morning after. I just wanted to take her home wash her, than lay up with her and tell her how much I love her but I just know she ain't gone be with it. I let out a big sigh not realizing it. Why did I love her so much and I know she doesn't love me back.? I mean everybody needs somebody and Na'Kole needs somebody I don't know her story but i know how she lives her life and I wish and pray that she change the shit. It's so sad to see her like this. She so beautiful and has so much potential because she so smart I mean who the fuck gets into Spellman.? No damn body that's who.! You gotta be smart as hell for them people.! I looked over at her and I seen a tear fall from her eyes but she quickly wiped it.

What's wrong.? I asked as I pulled up in front of her house.

Nothing.... You wanna come in.?

I guess. All she wanted was some dick I already knew after it'll be a matter of moments before she kicked me out. I parked the car and we got out. I carried her up the stairs and to the house cause she had blisters from walking in her heels on her feet. She unlocked the door and we went in. "Heyyy Ms. Carolyn" I said saying hi to her mom as we passed her.

Heyy honey how are you.? She asked with a smile she loved me and wanted us to be together so bad. Na'Kole went straight into her bathroom to shower so I just kicked back got relaxed and watched tv until she came out.

Hello.?! I said answering my ringing phone.

What's good nigga.! My man Boog said as he answered.

Shit coolin waiting on shawty what's up.?

Who Ashanti?.

No nigga.

Who Monét.?


Man why you still sweat that bitch.? She a fuckin thot she done ran threw the whole town damn near.

Man watch yo fuckin mouth before I put a bullet in it.

Man whatever I was hittin you up cause I found this new connect and shit and wanted to set up a meeting and talk business but I mean if you to busy boo loving and shit I understand.

Nigga fuck up.! I'm bouta be on my way send me the location. And with that I hung up. I looked at the time and It was going on almost an hour and some change since she been in there. I had to tell her I was bouta leave or she woulda been blowing my phone up.

Kole.?! I knocked before entering. I didn't hear anything but water running and the door was locked. I tried to open it but I couldn't. She never locked the door ever.! Something was wrong. "Monét.!" I yelled banging on the door. "Monét" I yelled louder.

Is everything okay.? Ms.Carolyn asked opening the door. I rammed my body into the door bussing it wide open and there layed a naked half dead Monét. My heart started racing my hands started sweating. Pills and pill bottles was on the floor and on the sink she even had some in her mouth and hands.

Baby wake up.! I yelled threw my tears trying to get them out her mouth. I felt around for a pulse and couldn't find on. "Baby please wake up Monét pleaseeeeee.!" I screamed louder but she didn't seem to hear me.

The ambulances on the way Rhyan. Ms.Carolyn cried. I wrapped her up in a towel and picked her up. And ran to my car placing her in the back seat and seeing nothing but red racing to the nearest hospital. I sped threw red lights and stop signs almost getting in some car accidents. My heart was beating so fast I could feel it. I Bearly parked the car and got her out running her into the emergency room and on to a stretcher nurses and doctors started CPR on her right than and there while they wheeled her threw the doors.

Sir what happened.? If you don't mind me asking.?! A nurse asked coming over with a clip board.

I don't know. She seemed out of it when I picked her up I look her home she went in the bathroom thought she was about to take a shower she ran the water closed the door and after about an hour and almost 40 mins I went to check on her the door was locked she never locks it I found her laying on the floor not breathing pills was every where.

It sounds like she tried to commit suicide did she leave a note or anything.?

No ma'am.

Your her boyfriend.?

Yes ma'am.

Okay Ima gonna let the Drs know.! She said turning to walk away. I took a deep breath and sat in the waiting room. My mind was going back and forth I couldn't take this shit. Why would she wanna commit suicide.? What the fuck was wrong with her.? I should kill her myself. How I'm gonna live with out her.? I love her and never even got the chance to tell her. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I needed to smoke.

What they say.? Ms. Carolyn asked as she rushed over to me with some other lady.

The nurse said it sound like she tried to commit suicide. Ms. Carolyn started bussing out crying asking God why.?!

Monét family.? A older man said as he came into the waiting room. My heart was racing again.

Right here.! Ms. Carolyn said jumping up.

Hi I'm Dr. John. Your mom and boyfriend.!

Yes. She answered.

Well um there's no easy way to put this she definitely tried to commit suicide we had to pump her stomach and we found so much alcohol and pills in her system. Her liver looks terrible the rate she drinks she would of been dead by the end of next month. And if you didn't get her here within the next hour from when you found her she would of been dead. We was able to et a pulse going again and her system cleaned. She stabled but on a breathing machine. She's resting you can see her she's
Up in the ICU. Follow me. He explained and we followed him.

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