Chapter 3

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I woke up to a sleeping Rhyan he was so cute when he slept. I sat up but was in so much pain. How the hell did I get in a hospital.? My head was hurting so bad. What happened.? I laid back down starring at the wall thinking.

You woke.? I heard Rhyans voice ask.

I nodded my head yeah and he had a look of relief across his face.

Why.? He asked so mad standing up.

Why what.?

Why the fuck would you try and kill yourself Monét.?

I didn't mean to I just took a couple Tylenol and ibuprofen to make my head stop hurting. And my body. I just wanted my pain to go away. I just wanted to feel numb I just wanted to be unrap..... I stopped before I could finish. It's nun of his business.

Un what Monét.? I hated when he called me Monét it was so unusual and he only called me that when he meant business's.

Rapped.! I yelled out cause he wanted to know so bad. You don't know what it's like to be me, you don't know what it's like to be rapped, your so perfect you have everything Rhyan leave me alone okay.! I yelled threw my tears. The blank facial expression he had on his face scared me.

Who rapped you.? He asked with the most sternest voice he scared me. Who.?! He asked yelling again.

Jayson... I said low enough for him to hear me.


Last night...... I was so drunk I just remember being mad at you and going upstairs with him...... And when I woke up my clothes was all over the place and I was laying on my back, I don't even sleep on my back..... I asked him and he said "I wanted it, I never told him no" he rapped me  when I passed out.! I yelled into my tears and Rhyan grew madder. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

I'm so sorry.! I'm sorry Monét.! He repeated. I cried into his shirt never wanting him to let go. Didn't I tell you too stop drinking.? Damn why you don't listen to me.?

So now it's my fault.?

No I'm not saying that.!

Than what are you saying.?

Your going to kill yourself .! If you don't stop drinking your going to die in 2 months.

I don't care Rhyan I don't I hate living I hate my life I don't care I'm not shit.

But you are.! Your beautiful Monét, your smart as fuck, you can do and be anything you want to but instead you wanna throw your life away.! I don't get you.

Nobody does matter fact leave just leave.! I pushed him off of me and he didn't have a problem with leaving. He got his stuff and left the room pissed off. Nobody told him to be here.! Nobody told him to care.! Nobody told him to save me maybe I should of died.!

Now you running a good man away Monet that boys love you and any fool can see that. The man been here for 4 days straight never left your side not even to go home and change his clothes and you stupid as hell to let him go.! If t wasn't for him you would of been dead okay.! You need to apologize to him and make it right because your going to lose him and one day it's gone be too late. You need to change your life around I thought if I stopped showing you love and shit you would change your life around but that damn sure didn't work and it made it worse you need to stop and think about your damn life and what's a head of you Monét.! Ms. Carolyn said angry and she walked out to.

Don't nobody know what the fuck their talking about or know me I'm not going to die.! Man fuck them fuck this hospital. I started to unhook my self from the monitors and got up. I was in so much pain but I don't care. I slipped on the sweats and jacket and walked out. My body was aching and I didn't make t far before I ran out of breath. I didn't know where I was going but I know I had to get away from here. Nobody knows me.! Nobody knows what I have went threw nobody don't know shit.!

Heyy beautiful.! This guy said pulling up beside me. It was the dude money from a couple days ago.

Heyy.! I said still walking.

Wanna ride.?

No I'm good.!

Ight than I'll just walk with you.! He parked his car and ran over to me. It made me smile a little bit. "How you doing beautiful.?" He asked smiling.

I'm good, how are you.?

I'm straight I tried to call you the other day what's up you ain't answer.?!

I just got out the hospital today I had alcohol poisoning.

Damn you good shawty.?!

Yeah I'm straight I just need to get some rest.

I can drop you off at home if you want.?

No it's okay I'm moving out.

To where.?

I don't know.....some where.!

So you have no where to go.?

I nodded my head yeah.

Stay with me.?

I don't know you.!

You can get to know me.! My real name Dametrious I'm 22 I sell drugs I'm the plug and long as you with me you safe.! He said smiling. I don't know what it was about him but he was cute and I liked him.

I guess. I said with little laughter. We walked back to his car and he sped off heading in a different direction.

Your so beautiful, where yo man.?

I don't have one.! I said proudly.

Yeah right as fine as you is you damn near be locked up on my arm you move I move.! He laughed.

I'm not into guys

You gay?.

No.! I laughed. "I mean I just ain't into relationships they not for me I always get fucked over I break hearts before they break mine. Sad to say but it's the truth" I said shrugging this conversation off.

Well I won't hurt you.! He smiled.

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