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{SORRY this is going to be a really short chapter, I wanted to write today but couldn't expand anymore on this.  Enjoy!)

The Doctor awoke with a yawn.  He needed to shower, but first he needed to check on Lily.  He exited his own room and entered hers.  She was awake and squirming around.

He wrinkled his nose.  "Right, shopping.  We need diapers."  He turned on the mobile as a distraction, then left the room for a shower.


They arrived at the store and he pulled a shopping cart away from the others, placing Lily into the seat.  Once she was buckled in and had settled down, he pushed the cart over to the baby section and turned down an aisle.

He scanned the shelves, wrinkling his nose.  "Everything's so expensive!"  After looking over everything, he decided on a pack of diapers, formula, three bottles, and two onezies.  

Finished with what was needed, he made his way over to the book section.  "Ooh!"  He smiled and picked up the next book in the Meloday Malone mystery series, reading the back of it.

As he read a woman approached him and Lily.  "What a cute baby!  What's her name?"  The Doctor looked up and smiled.  "Lily."  "Aw!  How old is she?"  The Doctor clapped his hands together and laughed.  "Ah, no idea!  Just got her yesterday!"  The woman gave him an odd look, then walked away.

The Doctor shrugged and went back to reading, then added it to the cart.  He turned back to Lily and got eye to eye with her.  "Now how about something for you?"


 By the time he had reached the checkout line the cart was full.  Now that he had returned to the Tardis, he realized he might have gone overboard.  He quickly changed Lily's diaper, then laid her in her cot for a nap.  He then began to root through the things he bought.

A few stuff animals, books, a rocking chair.  Putting those items aside, he took out the stroller from the other bag.  "Some assembly required.  Hmm, shouldn't be to hard."

Minutes later, he regretted these words.  He cursed under his breath as he connected two poles together.  The poles sprung apart and he flung them across the room.  "Christ!"  The clatter of the poles hitting the wall awoke and startled Lily.  She began to bawl.

"Oh no, I'm sorry!  Didn't mean to awaken you!"  She sobbed hard.  He rolled his eyes.  "I've already apologized, your making this harder than it could be."

 She quieted down, and he laid her back in her crib.  She settled down, and he went back to work with the stroller, trying to keep silent this time.

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