Moving Along

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The Doctor's eyes opened heavily, then closed again.  Remembering the night before, they reopened.  He stared at the figure beside him, at her curves.  He smiled and sat up slightly, yawning.  River moved beside him and turned over.

"Morning, Love."  She sat up and kissed him, then stretched and settled back into the bed.  He smiled slightly.  "Morning, River.  How did you sleep?"  "Very well.  For some strange reason, I was exausted."  She winked at him.  "No idea how that happened."  She chuckled and snuggled up against him, her warmth radiating onto him.  It was nice, calming.  He closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.


"It was good to see you again, Doctor."  He nodded.  "The very same, River."  She smiled, then turned, starting to trek home.  With a sigh, he entered the Tardis.  It was indeed an enjoyable night, but he needed to get back to Li-

A thought entered his head, and he jumped the railing to get to the console.  "Body scan on River Song."  Results popped up quickly; she was pregnant.  He sighed again, sitting back against a chair.  "Well that explains how that happened."

I should really tell her.  He thought to himself.  He decided against it.  It would be better if she found out on her own, after all.  I should've realised that.

Then again, if he had remembered Lily, he probably wouldn't have spent the night with River, in that sense.  Yes, it was defintely better this way.


In the month since the night with River, he hadn't done much.  Went to a few planets, visited Lily.  He recieved a note from River one evening. 


He took a deep breath.  She figured it out.  He sent the Tardis through time, then prepared himself for what was to be a long evening.


He knocked on River's door nervously, straightening his bow tie.  He tried his best not to look suspicious as she opened the door.  

Her face was slighty flushed, and her eyes screamed that there was something wrong.  He pretended he couldn't see it.  He forced himself to grin.  "Hello, River!"  She smiled weakly.  "Hi, Doctor.  Why don't you come in?"

With a deep breath, he entered.  She shut the door, then turned to him.  He wrapped his arms around her, then pecked her on the lips.  "So, what did you need to talk about?"  She took a deep breath.  "A lot of stuff, actually."  She entered her small kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine, filling a glass.  

"Should you be drinking that?"  The moment he said it he realized that those words gave it away; she knew he knew.  Her eyes widened, her jaw slacked.  For a moment her face lacked all expression.  "You know."  Her eyes started to fill with tears.  "Oh God, you know!"  She leaned against the counter and started to sob.  He wrapped his arms around her tightly.  "Oh, now don't cry, River."

She stood up straight for a moment, her face red and blotchy, wet with tears.  "How long have you known?"  He stayed silent for a moment.  "HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOW!?  TELL ME!"  He sighed.  "Since the day after."  She continued to cry, and gently he moved her to her bed room.  

"Why didn't you tell me?  Why?"  "You needed to find out yourself.  I'm sorry, River.  I really am.  It was just for the best."  She laid back against the bed.  He laid beside her, listening to her cry silently.

A few minutes later she spoke again.  "I can't have this child."  He glanced at her.  "Why not?"  She sighed.  "There's so much going on.  So many people after me."  "Why?"  She chuckled.  "Because I married you of course.  I have some sort of group of people after me."  She shrugged.  "So what should I do about it?"

He looked at her again.  "Huh?"  "Should I get rid of it?"  He gasped slightly and pulled himself up slightly so he was lying on his side.  "River, listen to me.  You are NOT getting rid of her."  His eyes welled up slightly with tears.  She tilted her  her head.  "Her?"  Her eyes widened, understanding.  "You've met her!  Haven't you?"  He chuckled sadly.  "Spoilers, River.  Just promise not to get rid of her.  Just...Please."


They laid on the bed for a while, just thinking.  He had her in his arms, running his fingers through her hair lovingly.  The decision, of course, was for him to care for the baby for a while, until River was safe.  She, of course, had no idea just how long she wouldn't be seeing her daughter.

He removed his jacket, feeling overheated from laying beside her, but not wanting ot leave her touch.  He pecked her on the cheek, and she turned her head to kiss him back, their lips opened slightly.

She reached up to him; she wanted more.  He, however, resisted.  "I- I don't-"  "Resisting would have been better that night."  That silenced him.

 She pulled herself over him, kissing him slowly but with lust.  She unbuttoned his shirt, but rather then continue on, stopped for a moment, laying her head over his chest.  Listening, she smiled, kissing his chest.  "Your heartbeats are a lullaby to my ears."  His heatbeat speed up and River chuckled.  

She kissed his chest one last time, then snuggled against it.  "Don't leave me."


For the second time, The Doctor awoke in bed with River.  Her head rested on her shirtless chest, and he tried not to squirm to much or speed up his heartbeats.  She snuggled closer to him, her arms gripping him tightly.  She sighed, and he smiled.

About ten minutes later she awoke with a yawn, stretching.  She started to smile, but it fell from her face and she rushed into the other room.  He sat up and hesitated, then ran after her.  She was in the bathroom, the door shut to a crack.  "River?"  He pushed the door open and entered.

River was kneeling, her head in the toliet, upheaving her previous meal.  Sympathetically, he kneeled down and held her.  "I'm here."  She threw up a few more times before wiping her mouth and flushing. 

"I feel like I'm dying."  She wiped away the tears in her eyes and stood.  "You know, you really forget the horribly things about pregnancy."  She smiled faintly, looking at him.  "So that's it then?  I'll drop her off with you?"  He nodded.  "Yeah."

 "And what about when I go into labor?"  He smiled.  "Just leave me a note, like you always do."  They embraced, and he pecked her on the cheek.  Then he grabbed his belongings and hurried out the door.

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