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(This chapter will make up for the last one!  Thanks for reading!)


The Doctor was used to the idea of having a daughter by now.  It was getting kind of boring actually.  Every morning was the same rountine.  Wake up, change Lily's diaper, feed her, bathe her, clothe her, take her to the park, change diaper, nap, feed, tell story, diaper, change into pajamas, then bed.  Every day.  It was beginning to bore him, and this rhythmic pattern was what he never liked.  In fact, it was the reason he started traveling.

And he still didn't know who Lily's mother was.  He hadn't been close to anyone recently, but then again the mother could be of the future.  One of the troubles of time travel.  He'd decided that it didn't matter, that eventually she would show herself.  He didn't mind waiting.  

But today was going to be different.  Today he was going to change up the rountine.  He entered Lily's room, like always, and picked her up.  "Good morning, sweetheart!"  He kissed her forehead.  "I think it's time you visit one of my dear friends.  I haven't seen her in a while."  She made a cooing noise, and he smiled, carrying her out the room and into the bathroom.

After her bath he dressed her in a dark red dress, then put her in her play pen.  Now it was his turn to get ready.  He rooted through his closet and settled on a dark blue bowtie, black pants, and a black trench coat.  

He sent the Tardis to Clara's home, and within seconds of it landing Clara had entered.  "Hello Doctor!  I wasn't expecting you!"  She was wearing a gray tunic and black pants, along with a pair of boots.  He smiled.  "You look good!"  She blushed slightly and grinned, holding her arms out.  They embraced eachother for a minute before she released him.

"So what brings you here, Doctor?  You look different."  He touched his own face.  "Do I?"  She nodded.  "Yeah, you do.  Spill it, what's going on?"  He smiled nervously, then gestured behind him with his thumb.  She looked over his shoulder, then back at him confused.  "Go on then!  See for yourself!"  

Obviously interested, she walked around him, catiously.  She stopped at the pen and gasped, swiveling around and staring at the Doctor.  "Is that...?!"  He chuckled, and she turned back around, staring back at Lily.  "Who?  Where?"  She took a deep breath.  "Why do you have a baby in this pen?"  He smiled.  'Why do you think?"  She rolled her eyes.  "At this point, I have no idea, Doctor.  Please, just tell me what's going on here."

He walked over to Lily and picked her up.  "Lily, meet Clara, she's a friend."  He glanced up at a confused Clara, and looked back at Lily.  "Clara, meet my daughter.  Lily."  She gaped at him.  "Your daughter.  You have a daughter."  He nodded.  "I do."  She shook her head.  "Wha- Since when!?"  His face contorted with thought.  "Um... Six months, I believe."  She glared at him.  "And only just now you come to me and tell me about this?"  He scratched his back, embarressed.

Clara crossed her arms.  "Thought so.  Who's the mother, then?"  He coughed, his cheeks bright red.  "What, do you not know?"  He cleared his throat.  "She kind of just arrived one day."  "Then how do you know she's yours?"  He smiled.  "Two heartbeats.  She's part Time- Lord."

Clara was still taking all this in.  The Doctor held Lily out.  "Do you want to hold her?"  He handed Lily to Clara, who stared down at Lily blankly.  She looked up at the Doctor.  "So is that it then?  You want me to become a sort of part time mum?"  His eyes widened.  "What, no!  Nothing like that!  I just wanted you to meet her.  I'm having her meet all my friends."

"Why now, though?"  He shrugged.  "I'm sick of the routine.  I wanted to go on an another adventure.  Are you up for one?"  "Are you sure it's safe?  Lily's still an infant."  The Doctor wasn't listening, he was already at the console.  "I'm sure she'll be fine, we're just visiting friends."


They arrived in the eighteen hundreds, not exactly dressed approprietly.  They stepped up onto the porch, and the Doctor knocked on the huge wooden door.  Clara held Lily in her arms.  

The door opened.  A brunette stuck her head around the corner and smiled.  "Jenny!"  The Doctor shouted.  "Hello, Doctor!"  She nodded at Clara.  "And Miss."  She gestured to Lily.  "Why do you have a child with you?"  "It's mine, thought you'd like to meet her.  Is Madame Vastra here?"  

"Oh, no sorry, she isn't.  But she'll be back in about an hour.  Would you like to come in?  I can make some tea."  The Doctor smiled.  "That would be lovely, Jenny."  She nodded and stepped out of the way.  "Come on, then.  The parlor is waiting for you."

Clara follows the Doctor in.  She hadn't been here before, at least not in person.  They entered the parlor, where a fireplace was lit and  warming the room.  They sat.  

"It's cozy."  Clara stated.  The Doctor nodded.  "Oh yes.  I visit often."  Clara sat back in the chair, then looked behind her back.  "How does she go outside?  Don't people notice?"  The Doctor tilted his head, confused.  "Jenny?"  Clara rolled her eyes.  "No, Madame Vastra, Lizard Lady."  "Oh.  No, she wears this sort of veil-like thing that covers her face.  Lots of woman do, actually, which is why this is a good time period for her to be living in."  Clara nodded.  "Don't woman only wear those when they are mourning?"   "Oh, is that what they're for?  Huh, I never knew that."

They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.  The Doctor stood.  "Hello!"  Madame Vastra nodded.  "Hello, Doctor.  Am I interrupting something?"  "Oh no, we were just waiting for you.  I'm sure you've met Clara?"  Clara stood.  "Hello again!"  Madame Vastra gave her an odd look.  "What on Earth are you holding?"  Clara looked down, remembering that she was holding Lily.  The Doctor smiled.  "That's my daughter, Lily."

Madame Vastra gestured to both of them.  "So you two-."  The Doctor's eyes widened and he blushed.  Clara laughed.  "Oh, God no. We're not together."  Madame Vastra looked confused.  "So who's is it than?"  The Doctor regained his composure.  "She's mine, but I haven't yet found the mother.  Very confusing, I know, but I wanted to bring her by.  Now," he rubbed his hands together,   "How about some tea?"


"Do you want to hold her?"  The Doctor was talking to Madame Vastra, and Clara watched them, sipping hr tea.  Madame Vastra sighed.  "Oh, why not?"  The Doctor handed Lily over, who's eyes were starting to drift close.

"Oh, she's adorable."  The Doctor smiled.  "Yes, she is, isn't she?"  


By the time they returned to the Tardis, Lily's eyes were sealed shut, deep in sleep.  Clara followed The Doctor into Lily's room and watched as he changed and put her in her cot for bed.  Clara sat in the rocking chair.  "Strange.  I never saw you as the fatherly type."  He looked up at her, then back Lily.  "What do you mean?"

Clara shrugged.  "I don't know, just...  You're such an adventurous type.  You don't seem like you'd be good with children, mostly because you yourself is still a child."  The Doctor sat up.  "There's nothing wrong with being childish."  "I realize that.  You're a good father."  "Oh.  Thanks."  Clara stood, and walked over to him, her arms open.  She embraced him, and pecked him on the cheek.

"I'd love to stay, but I do need to get back home."  He nodded, and they exited Lily's room, walking back towards the console room.  He sent the Tardis back to what he hoped was the correct date, and opened the door for Clara.  "It was good to see you again Clara."  She nodded, and smiled.  "See you around." With that she walked away, and The Doctor turned around to check on Lily. 

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