Dreaming Of You...ALWAYS!

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"Wake up," he said as he planted a kiss on the top of my head. The voice was deep and gentle, like a melodic song to my ears. As he was hugging me I opened my eyes to see our children, Mark and Ava, also with their arms draped around me. I loved each and everyone of these people, my closest friends till the end of time. I hugged all of them and got up in my bed, feeling rather claustrophobic by love. But feeling rather lucky.  There was absolutely nothing that can possibly ruin my day, because I have him with me...
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..." Rick Astley's actually melodic voice filled my head and erased my dream, which filled me with a deep heavy feeling that I couldn't fathom. I was tangled in my blankets, clutching them with all my strength. My lips were sore, surely from smiling too much. Morning arrived and I was still thinking of my dream. But reality crashed, we were in the middle of term three. And in the middle of this new chapter (ew, do I have to say that like it's a chapter of me getting married or something).
The irony is real. As my lovely alarm took over reality, and I laughed to myself at what a ridiculous dream I had. I never thought I liked him that much. Looks like I did. No one, including myself, knew whether I was truly crushing on Trevor Pershova. This was the classic high school story. Boys + Boys Shiz + Lovey Dovey Friend = High School.
He was a friend whose locker was legitimate next to mine and I seemed to maybe have a crush on him. My brain was being bonkers. He was everything I was practically dreaming of. Cheesy, but also sadly true. My friends seemed more obsessed than me. "Trevisa" was the ship name on each and every Instagram post. Thank gosh he didn't have an account, or I'd surely delete all my data and move to Spain. WHERE HAS THE WORLD COME?!


Ignoring the party going on in the love part of my brain, I sighed and rushed to school. The dream effects still left my body tingly with happiness. And when I made my way to my lockers, the butterflies increased. The one and only, at his locker with my very important friend, Lo aka Lauren or Loveren. They were talking as I neared them. I blushed and Lo spotted me, smiled widely and waved me over. Trevor turned and caught sight of me. I quickly moved my eyes away, but not before we made contact. He walked off (to my relief) as she said goodbye to him, brushing past me in a hurry. I opened my locker, and started giggling.
"What? Did I forget to do my hair?!" Lo said, looking rather worried.
"No no, you look beautiful. As always. But I'm just wondering why you were talking to...him. Did you say anything about me?!" I stated, gathering my books.
"Of course I did! I'm the biggest fan of yours. He was quite enjoying my monologue." Lo countered, and we both walked off to the library. As we sat in our seats in our first class of the day, Science. Lo and my other friend Esta started whispering and laughing their heads off at something I wasn't included in.
"What's up?!" noticing my slightly annoyed face, Lo stopped chuckling to look at me with a serious face. "Chill, it's all goods. We were just imagining your's and Trevor's future children," she replied with a smile.
I startled. The children from my dream flew into my head and I stopped breathing for a second. I shook their faces off. Trying to look unfazed, I smiled.
"Ah, yes. What else is the topic nowadays?" I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. They noticed the slight hopeful note in my voice and both giggled again, going back to talking, but so that I could hear this time.
"Trevisa children - can you imagine? It's the cutest. Thing. EVER!" Esta gushed.
"I know right?! Nothing is cuter."
"I want this ship to sail so bad."
"Fingers crossed for the rest of my high school years, that it will! I'll even tape mine if I need to."
I giggled at them as we all burst into laughter, clutching our stomachs. I really wished that this ship would sail too. REALLY. Not like I would ever admit it though.

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