Cloud 9 (A Jc Caylen Fan Fiction)

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Chapter one:

Naomi POV:

It was the first day it snowed all year and it happened to be the very same day my family and I were out getting our Christmas tree at Castillos Tree Farm, we've gotten our Christmas tree every year here since I was 3, I was told once,that when I was younger I would always run off and play with the little boy,who's parents owned the tree farm, my mom told me the little play dates stopped around 5th grade, I don't remember any of it,we'll maybe some memories here and there but not a whole lot, I remember playing tag with a little dark haired boy and falling down face first in a pile of snow, great memory right?. I walked around by myself as my sister and my parents scoped out a tree, I usually let them pick, I just like walking around looking at all the trees and the white lights that hung above me,it didn't take long for my parents to pick out a tree, I could hear my sisters loud mouth from across the farm

"Naomi, we are leaving!"

I started to walk a little faster then normal, I didn't want to run, people would think I was weird, plus I'd rather not trip and fall face first into a snow pile again. I was walking a little to fast, I dodged a tree but not the person walking in the opposite direction, I slammed right into him

"I am so sorry" I pleaded

"Maybe if your hood wasn't covering your eyes, you would've seen me" his voice was, what's the!, but his tone wasn't very appealing, I got kinda embarrassed and some what angry at the same time, i looked up about to say something when he stopped me.

"I was just kidding!" He said smiling, and I couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

He was handsome, his dark brown eyes that stared back at me and his perfect dark brown hair that swiped to one side and was topped off with a navy blue beanie. He held a Arizona ice tea in one hand and a candy cane in the other, doesn't that sound appetizing.

"So you here looking for a tree?" He asked breaking the silence

Here looking for a tree? We'll duh! Why else would I be here? Ok he might be cute but he was defiantly not the brightest.

"Isn't that what you do at tree farms?" I asked pushing my hoodie off my head

He laughed softly "yea I guess"

We stood in silence for a few seconds before he introduced himself

"I'm justin, but my friends call me Jc"

"Why Jc?" I asked confused

"My real name is Justin Caylen Castillo"

"Castillo, as in.." He cut me off before I could continue

"Castillo's Tree Farm, yes!, my parents own this business"

Jc's POV:

It was getting darker outside so I turned the string of lights on that hung above the rows of trees that stood before me, it was getting closer to closing time so only a few people were wondering around in search for a perfect Christmas tree, it was about that time where I wonder off into the trees to get away, idk what it is but it's nice and peaceful, I held an Arizona in one hand and my camera in the other, opening my camera I started to vlog.

"What's up everyone, my names Jc Caylen, and I'm not doing shit!" I took a sip of my Arizona and continued

"I'm walking around, talking to my camera and it's starting to snow!, awesome just awesome!... " I closed my camera and placed it in my pocket, I'll finish later I thought, I walked through the trees and found a candy cane hanging off one of the trees

"Really!" I said as I took it off the tree, some kid must've taken it from the box of candy canes we give out for free in the little shack in the front of the Tree Farm and placed it here. I wasn't intending on eating it, but I didn't want it just sitting on the tree either, I started to walk by the tree when I was hit straight in the chest..

"I am so sorry" I heard as I looked at her, her voice was sweet, but I couldn't see her at all, her hoodie from her jacket hung down low over her eyes

"maybe if your hood wasn't covering your eyes you would've seen me" I joked

She glanced up at me and of what I could see she was pretty, but I also saw how offended and angry she got at that statement, so I corrected myself before she could say anything, I smiled a little just to let her know I wasn't serious

"So you here looking for a tree?" I guess it kinda slipped out.. A tree? Looking for a tree, what kind of question was that?.

"Isn't that what you do at Tree Farms?" She asked as she slide her hoodie off her head, that's when I saw how beautiful she was, her beautiful brown eyes sparkled with the lights that hung above us, she was gorgeous, her hair was sprinkled with snowflakes and it made my heart skip.

"Yea I guess" I laughed nervously, it was quiet for a few seconds so I broke the silence by introducing myself, she was shocked when she found out my parents owned this joint, I didn't know why but I didn't really care. She looked over my shoulder when she heard someone scream from across the field

"I have to go" she said,calmly making her way past me, I'm guessing it was a family member

"Wait!" My voice cracked a little and I turned around to her

"I never caught your name" i saw a smile stretch across her face, a beautiful smile almost magical.

"Naomi" she said before running away, I smiled to myself.. Naomi.. Wow, I sipped my Arizona.

That night I lay in bed awake as can be, I couldn't get her out of my mind, images of her smile, her sparkling eyes all ran through my head, I needed to see her again. I need to know more about her, and I'm not stopping until I do. But how? All I know about this girl is her name... I stare at the ceiling above, what the hell am I going to do, I wanna talk to someone but all my friends are probably sleeping, I turned on my side and I watched the stars from out my window, with wishbone snuggled up close to me I started to drift off, my last thought was her bright smile and how she warmed my heart...

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