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October, the month where half of the world goes all "ITS CHRISTMASSSS" and the other half goes "ITS HALLOWEEEEN". Also the month when it geTS COLD AS SHIT. Now Gaia, for one, LOVED Halloween. It was her favourite holiday! Every year, school hosted a big Halloween party, in which every student had to dress up. Gaia was going to this party, obviously. And OBVIOUSLY, she was forcing her friends to join her. I'm not gonna deell on the costumes because I'm too lazy, sorry lmao.

"thIS IS HALLOWEEN THIS IS HALLOWEEN". That, children, is how Gaia entered the school, while dragging a small girl named Kiara with her, which startled several students and even caused one to drop their glass of punch. "THEY HAVE PUNCH???", Gaia yelled, before storming off to god knows where (while still dragging poor, poor Kiara with her). "Why'd we come again?", Makrerel, who was holding her beloved cat, asked. Lyanne shrugged, "I just came for the free food.". After getting tired of walking back and forth to the punch bowl and her friends, Gaia decided to just take the ENTIRE punch bowl with her. She drank all of it. Long story short, she was high on punch. She fainted. "SHIT SHE DIED", all her friends yelled in union. They all rushed to the infirmary with her. "What happened?", the nurse asked in a worried tone. "SHE DIED.", Makrerel yelled, pissing off the cat in her arms and receiving a slap to the face from said cat. "She got high on punch, or something like that", the other Merel, who was also there, answered the nurse. The nurse sighed, "Same shit every year...", she muttered. "You four go fetch Sans, because it's convenient to the plot.", the nurse said and pushed the students out of the infirmary.

Gaia opened her eyes. "What decade are we in...?", she asked. She could finally see clearly and the first thing she saw was... saNESS- I mean, Sans. She shrieked, then squealed and then fell off the infirmary bed. Nothing new, she always did that. Even Sans didn't acknowledge it anymore. "snAS WHY R U IN HERE WAHT HAPPN TO ME", she yelled. "U fockin wot m8", Sans questioned, not entirely sure what she just said. Gaia cleared her throat. "WHY ARE YOU HERE", she yelled at the top of her lungs. It caused the window to break. Oops. "I was brought here for plot convenience.", Sans (I swear I typed Sand at first) answered. Gaia shrugged, it made sense. She looked at the clock. "It's already this late? I should be going home!", Gaia yelled out. "I'll walk you home, surely it wouldn't be a good idea to walk home alone in the dead of the night.", Sans decided, not giving Gaia a chance to answer, he pulled her out of the infirmary. 'Holy shit Sans is walking me home', Gaia thought to herself, until she spotted the new bowl of punch. "OH LOOK, MORE PU-". "NO MORE PUNCH FOR YOU", Sans yelled, and had to practically pull her out of the school.

Gaia wants Sans-senpai to notice her.Where stories live. Discover now