Chapter Eighteen: Breakfast with my Boyfriend?!

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Chapter Eighteen


            Why am I feeling this way? Damn hormones! I am in love with my best friend? You got to be kidding me! And he is in love with me too?! But he’s a heart breaker so what should I do? Then as I stare into his amazing hazel eyes I know what to do.

            I reach up slipping one hand on the back of his head in his soft light brown hair and pull him towards me softly kissing his perfect lips. It is like we fit together perfectly and the kiss is the best feeling ever, but be for it turns to passionate I pull my lips from his and lean around to his ear. I allow my lips to barely brush his ear as I whisper, “I’m in love with you too.”

            As I pull away I see a smirk resting on his face. “You do?” he asks almost sounding shocked.

            I nod my head with a sheepish smile. I stare at his face which looks awful cocky. “What?” I ask eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.

            “That was your first kiss!” he says happily and look away from his eyes biting my tongue.

            I dearly wish it was my first kiss because it was a zillion times better but the truth is he wasn’t, his older brother was. But I don’t have to tell Cammie. It’s not like it means anything. I love Cam and always have and probably always will. So what does something as little as my first kiss matter?

            “What’s wrong?” he asks staring down at my face with a worry fill voice.

            Quick! Andie think! “You forgot something,” I say hoping to cover up my mistake.

            He looks at me question at first and then looks like a light bulb went off over his head. “And will you be my girlfriend?” he asks and I so am surprised. But of course I want be Cam’s girlfriend! But no I don’t want to be the girlfriend of the school largest player. What do I do?

            “Of course,” I say and lightly kiss his lips. I know it may be a mistake but I love him. Stupid hormones.

            He smiles and pulls my close to his warm chest allowing me to drift into a nice sleep.


            My eyes flutter open and I see Cammie laying their arms around me, eyes shut, deep in sleep and our legs tangle together. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps and then last night’s events flashes in my mind. This is my boyfriend. I am dating the schools player. I lean forward to look over his shoulder and look at the clock which read, 5:50am. I should probably wake Cam so he can go school…But how?

            I could shake him or hot him like I normally do. Then it hits me now he’s my boyfriend! A smile creeps on my face as I lean forward and gently brush my lips on his, kissing him. As I pull away I see his eyes flutter open and a smile stretch on his face.

            “What time is it?” he asks in a haft asleep voice.

            “5:53,” I say as I rest my head on his firm chest.

            “Then why am I up?” he asks tiredly.

            “So you can get ready for school,” I say as if he should know this.

            “Are you going school?” he asks staring into my eyes.

            “No?” I say as I raise an eyebrow.

            “Than neither am I,” he says and shuts his eyes.

            “You don’t have to miss school for me,” I say and kiss his cheek lightly.

            “Ha ha who said it’s for you? Maybe I’m doing it for your super hot mom,” he says with his just kidding smile.

            I smile and lean up kissing his lips and whisper “Thank you,” in his ear before resting my head back onto his chest.

            “I love you,” he whispers as he kisses the top of my blonde cover head. My heart beats faster and a smile rises on my face. I’ve always dreamed of hearing him say that to me. Here we are and he is!

            “I love you too,” I reply with a smile. I stomach growls and Cam lets out a chuckle. I look up shooting him a glare.

            “I’m going make breakfast,” I say pulling away from him and getting out of the bed. I leave him in my bed alone as I skip out the door and down to the kitchen. I walk to the fridge and pull out some bacon and eggs, sitting them onto the counter beside the stove.

            I pull out two frying pans and put them on their own burner on the stove. I start cooking the eggs in one pan and bacon in the other. Walking to the fridge I pull out two bottles of water. I sit plates and forks out and the move the bacon around the pan and string the eggs.

            “Morning,” I raspy voice says from behind me. Spinning around I see Cam leaning against the door frame without a shirt on and low rising sweats. His muscles on his chest made him look like a God.

            “Good morning,” I say with a smile and turn back to the stove. I turn off the stove when I see that the bacon and eggs are done. I place it onto plates and carry them over to Cam who is sitting at the bar. I sit across from him and begin to eat.

            “Sometimes I forget you can cook,” he jokes shocking a fork full of eggs into his mouth.  

            “Can full I’ll take your food from you if you’re not nice,” I say as I wave my fork at him smiling.

            He chuckles and eats his food. I continue to finish my food, stealing glances at him every once in a while. Once we both finish I take our plates and place them into the sink. I place my hands on the counter bracing myself and then I feel two arms land on my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder and kisses my cheek causing butterflies to take flight in my stomach. “I love you,” he whispers.

            “I love you too,” I say turning around in his arms and lacing my arms around his neck. He leans down pressing his lips to mine. Cam’s hands fall down my back over my butt and to my thighs lifting me up and sitting me on the counter. He asks for entrance to my mouth and I happily grant it. I wrap my legs around his waist and his hands are on my back.

            I must say kissing him is like nothing I ever felt before. I love him. I pull away and rest my head on his chest. He lightly kisses my forehead and smiles onto my hair.

            What is everyone going to think? Will Braden tell him? Ugh, this scares me.

Hey sorry if this is alittle pointless I just wanted to give you the glimspe of Cameron and Andie relationship:)

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