(XXIII) - Ze Rescue (Part 1): Operational

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Chilled's P.O.V

I know we can get Ze back.

But what I wonder is...

If all of us will make it back?

I can't live with myself if someone dies.

You've got me on your side. The side of you that can control hell-fire for fucks sake.


"Chilled?" a voice speaks up. I look up. It was Adam.

"Yeah? What do you need?" I ask going back to scribbling on the notebook.

"When do we leave?" they ask.

"When I'm done with my plan." I answer.

I write down a few more things. "I think this'll work."

"Think? Chilled. You gotta be certain. I mean. You were always certain when you plan with us." Adam says.

"I know I know. Just get everyone so we can discuss this." I order them.


"Everyone clear on the plan?" I ask.

They all nod.

"Let's go." I say heading for the car gripping my scimitars tightly.

I get in, start the car and drive off.

We're split into two teams.

Smarty, Tom, Aphex, Galm and I are the first team. Adam, Max, Nate and MatPat is the second. The backup when things are actually too difficult for us.

The first team takes out Minx's, pair by pair being left behind to fend off the other.

So by the time I reach the arena. I'd be alone...

And Burned's gonna take over. I mentally growl at this.


It takes half an hour before we finally got there. It was an abandoned warehouse with a broken tunnel connecting to the arena.

"Don't forget, Nanners." I say, getting our of the car.

"Yeah yeah. My phone is on full battery. Prepared to recieve the signal." they tell me. "Good luck my friend."

I nod. I walk to the front of the warehouse.

"Alright Smarty. What do you see?" I ask.

Silence for a moment.

I hear a gasp. I look back to Smarty. "It's two people, never seen them before. I think it should be Aphex and I for this... I know Tom and I are slightly inseperable. But let's be real for a moment. Galm and Tom are stronger than Aphex and I." Smarty explains.

I nod, understanding.

"Let's do this." Tom says seriously.

Tom and Galm go to one side of the entrance. I go to the other.

Aphex looks at Tom. Tom proceeds to summon fire to his hands. Aphex nods, bursting his hands to flames.

Aphex burns the gate down. I run to Galm and Tom's side and we run in at the same time.

I take a quick look at Smarty. He glances to me. I give him an "I know you can do this" look. He smiles and concetrates on the enemy across them.

"Right on time." The man with red hair says. "The name's S-"

"Sinow the Seer. Yeah yeah. I know." Smarty mocks.

"Chilled." I hear Galm whisper. I look at him. "Let's go."

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