My Problem

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A special thanks to @MidnightDarkened for reviewing and also for sending helpful comments.

                   He was standing there, gosh he looked so nice, wait a second who invited him. I glared at Sara and Laila, what do these stooges have in their head, dung. Laila shifted uncomfortably but Sara, she had an audacity to smirk at me. Laila just came and announced infront of my parents that Armaan wanted to talk to us. I hate to admit but this guy have guts.

"Armaan, I'm sure that's your name, what on Earth are you doing here and what do you want to talk about, as you have already seen my family is going through a lot and I don't have time for dillydallying," my mum exclaimed angrily.

Yeah she was angry thinking its her fault but it never was. She just wanted to see me happy, neither my parents nor family members knew about Mushfiq's mom. I should thank Allah that she showed her true colours before marriage, what would have happened if she would have demanded these things after marriage. Alhamdullilah every thing happened on time and I'm glad that I didn't get married to a spineless as*.

"Yes, young man you want to say something, I suggest you better hurry up before my beautiful wife here loses her patience."


  .... before my beautiful wife here loses her patience." Each and every eye was on me. As if I was some sort of an alien, oh uh what had I done, her sister and Sara were smirking at me while the rest of them had a big question mark on their faces.

Her father cleared his throat, as if telling me to hurry up.

"I would like to marry Aliya," I blurted out. Gosh I'm a fool so many times I had practised that I would say this and that what the hell happened to me now.

"Armaan what the hell is wrong with you." Aliya shrieked at me.

"Aliya I swear, I like you and I want to marry you, I even understand that you didn't want to break your parent's heart when they arranged your marriage with that guy. We kids have no right to break our parents heart if they have decided something for us and I know you are one obedient daughter, so I respected your as well as your parent's decision and backed out. But now I cannot just stand here and see you taken by some other guy. So please its your turn to understand me and my feelings."

I really don't understand from where did I get so much of boldness. And I definitely was ready for a slap from her mother. Well she looked as if she was ready to strike me. But her husband, Aliya's father stopped her. 

"Well you see son, this is a very important decision of Aliya's life we cannot just take it right now, so.....

"I don't want to marry him Abuji." That is definitely Aliya what is wrong with her I can see her eyes, she loves me, she loves me ,yes she does.

"Aliya, please don't make haste, I don't want your answer right now, it's just, I wanted to confess my feelings for you, to you and your parents. I know this isn't a good time, but I will never be like him, trust me, Aliya.

I was about to break down there, someone has really said a truth about love,' If your heart has never broke into two then you have never fallen in love,' so this is love, my heart was bursting, with pain, my eyes, burning with the unshed tears, my legs had become like two long marshmallows, if I hadn't got the support of the column nearby I would have fallen. Beads of sweat were going down my forehead and my back. Hmm...This is LOVE

"I don't want your sympathy Armaan, just because Mushfiq has backed out doesn't mean I or my parents are desperate to have someone as a bridegroom. I have my self respect, I don't want to marry you,I don't want anyone's pity."

How can she be so harsh, no it's not her speaking it's because of that woman and her son, her judgement has become clouded and emotional. I went down on one knee and took her hand, "Aliya Ali, you are the most beautiful angel I've met, I loved you since you called me saand ( berserk bull) I loved you even when you used to look at me as if you are going to murder me and today you not only have gained my more live but my respect too, by throwing that idiot money hunting mom-son from your life.

"I promise you Aliya I will never ever will bring tears to your beautiful brown eyes. Let the whole world call you anything. Black, dusky coloured, anything, you are beautiful to my eyes. You are the one who brings peace to my heart and soul."

"So Aliya will you please, please make me the happiest man alive, Marry me Aliya, Marry me."


That was one heck of a proposal, he really has guts, seriously even my parents mouth was open wide agape. I love him but I thought he was showing me pity. That is why I decided to said no.

"Farzaad, call the Quazi at once and all of you call the guests back again. Aliya is marrying Armaan."

I was happy that my father decided this at once. A lot had happened tonight and I wouldn't be able to take any right decision.

Everything was once again arranged, the Quazi asked if we accepted one another. And thus we were declared husband and wife and our nikah was completed. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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