What do you want ??

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That stalker is the death of me. He hadn't called me once since he talked to Armaan, but still he was giving me missed calls.

My mum became curious and asked me why I was getting so many missed calls, I lied to her that it was Sara and Laila just teasing me.

Yeah, I know I lied to her which burdened my conscious. But I had no other way, since then my phone is just on silence.

Now let him call me, I'll make sure to ask him what does he wants. Why the hell he is doing this to me, most importantly how did he get my number.

"So Aliya any news of your lover boy?" Sara smirked at me.

"Sara are you on drugs? What are you talking about?"

"Aliya I'm talking about that stalker, no wait a second you thought I was asking about Armaan?"

"Let it be Sara atleast now our Aliya accepts that Armaan is her lover boy."

I sighed, didn't give them any answer, it would just be in vain even to attempt to give an explanation to these girls.

They've made up their minds and won't be listening to me at all. I started devouring my samosa.

"Aliya lets bunk the classes and go to a movie or mall please, I don't want to stay here."

"No Sara if my mum comes to know about this, she... well you know how much she hates such antics."

"C'mon Ali no one is going to know, Sara's right, lets give our Sara a good farewell after all she is going to leave us very soon."

"In your dreams Laila, I'm not going to marry that nincompoop."

Once it was aapi who bunked her class and let me tell, she was grounded for a month. My mom was angry, she didn't talk to aapi for that whole month until she promised she wouldn't do it again.

And am I going to walk on my dear sister's footsteps, no a big no.

"Sorry, Sara I don't want to bunk any class. I saw my sister getting punished once when she bunked her class, that is an enough lesson for me."

"Aliya, you really are such a stuck in a mud typo, haven't you heard, you are Innocent until you get caught.

"Who said it?"

"Ofcourse, it is said by the great Sara Ashar, no one will come to know, we'll return back home same at the college time,"Sara pleaded.

"Please don't force me into anything, Sara you know my mum very well. I cannot lie to her. Even this stalker is out there, I'm tired about all this. You can go if you want but not me."

Yes, I can't do this I know my mum will skin me alive even if she came to know that I was thinking of bunking classes.

Sara and Laila went away to the mall, while I was stuck in the class. After classes I decided to go to the library. I was on my way when my phone rang.

O gosh! Not again, I thought it to be a miss call but he was calling me continuously. I decided to go back home. But still I had some of my work pending, hence library.

Once again I saw that handsome devil, he gestured me to stop, hmph, as if  I'm going to stop.

"Hey, Aliya dear, I asked you to stop."

"And why the hell would I be listening to you? And I told you not to dear me."

"Sorry, dear my slip of tongue, let's just forget our dispute, now hand me your phone."

I was stunned, why the hell he needs my phone.

"What did you say?"

"Aliya, your phone,"... "I heard you Armaan, I'm not deaf, what I mean is why do you need my phone and how the hell you think that I will even give you".

"Aliya please trust me, I'm not like that idiot stalker you have, I could've got your phone number long time ago if I wanted. I wanted to install this new app in your phone, you will come to know who is calling from where."

"Armaan I don't trust a single bone in your body."

Just then when the phone started ringing again. It was from an unknown number, while I was looking Armaan snatched the phone from my hand and started installing the app.

"You are free right, coz I saw Sara and Laila leaving, please Aliya let me help you, just give me an hour, okay, C'mon let's sit near our seminar hall."

I don't know what came into me I just nodded. The words which he said weren't said from his mouth but from his heart, his eyes showed so much of concern and lov.... no no I'm hallucinating, how can that even  happen.

"Here it's done, now whenever that b**tard calls we will see where does he calls from, talk to him, be sweet and gentle as if you like him. Or tell him that you guys can go on a date. Okay.

" What, how can you say I'm not gentle Armaan? Ofcourse I have manners and etiquettes."

He smirked at me I so wish to punch that face.

"Look he is calling, this number belongs to a booth which is near our college, he isn't calling you from a private number but from a booth. Aliya, dear you remember what I told you, Shazeb be with her man she is hopelessly romantic."

"I told you not to dear me and let me show you how much romantic I can be."

Armaan was running ahead of us while me and Shazeb were behind him as I couldn't run fast because I had to talk to that jerk too.

"You really want to do friendship with me, I ought to know your name then handsome," Armaan turned and glared at me, "oh you definitely must be handsome your voice is so raspy and you know manly."

We reached the college exit when Armaan spotted a booth but no one was inside it.

"Must be another one, it's a bit far go on with your flirting." He half yelled and half whispered.

"Okay Farooque, please tell me how did you get my phone number, did any of my friend gave it to you or was it that you were so interested in me that you got it like thief from the college office."

"That one," yelled Armaan and started running and Shazeb behind him. Armaan didn't even spare a glance towards the cars or bikes that  were running on the road.

He caught the culprit just on time when he was about to flee in an auto. Armaan turned his face towards me and I was shocked, no not shocked I was in a dilemma, I was petrified. How can this be possible? That guy can't be him, what did I do to him that he decided to play this grotesque game with me.

How can anyone be so harsh?

I'm so so sorry for the late update, it was the month of Ramadan, our holy month and I decided to update after Eid. So to all my brothers and sisters Eid Mubarak. Pls vote, comment and share.

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