Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning, thinking of the evening before, the day before. That day was going so miserably and suddenly turned into an exciting evening. The worst thing was that I couldn't even tell anyone! My roommates, well my best friends really, Paige and Ethan, weren't at our apartment. They were both at college all day, so I had no one to tell!

I had a free day today of no classes! So I decided to go for a surf in the morning and just go where the day takes me after that.

I put on a plain white tee with some denim shorts and strappy sandals. I wore my black strapless bikini underneath. I always wore a black one, so as not to draw attention to myself at the beach. I was there to surf and surf only. And also observe guys' six packs but never mind that for now.

I heard some crashing of plates in the kitchen. That would be clumsy Ethan. He was very uncoordinated, always breaking things!

I proceeded into the kitchen to find no broken plates on the ground! What an accomplishment!

'Nothing broken today?' I asked, mocking him.

Ethan looked up and grinned. 'Nope!' He said confidently, while rubbing his hands together. I laughed heartily.

This is what Ethan and I's friendship was about. Banter. Fun. Nothing else. He was a good friend, but nothing more.

Paige entered the kitchen and gave me a warm smile.

'Okay, good, you're both here. Now I can tell you about my amazing day yesterday,' I paused. 'Well it wasn't amazing, it was actually pretty bad -'

'What part of amazing and bad are similar, Nic?' Ethan messed.

'Shh. Let me finish. Okay, so first, I was mugged which wasn't a good part -'

'Wait, what? What happened are you okay?' Paige came over to me, concerned.

I continued with my story, telling the details of all that happened. Ethan asked too many questions, checking if I was okay etc. He was a very protective friend which was sweet in a way, but also quite annoying. He was just like that. He cared too much. But I loved him anyway (as a friend). I described the library story in great, intricate details. Questions were fired at me by Paige, which I was glad to answer. I was so excited by the fact that he left the note and skittles at the end.

'... and now I really want to meet him again, but how can I? He must go to our college but he could be from anywhere,' I finished off the story.

'I bet you'll bump into him again when you least expect it. He better not be a jerk though.' Ethan's protective side was showing again.

'Okay, so that would mean I'll have to look good all the time. Oh shit, I better throw on some makeup then. He's not a jerk Ethan!' I exclaimed.

I ran to my room while hearing Ethan reply 'He better not be!' and put on a bit of waterproof mascara. My eyelashes were blonde unfortunately and so was my hair, a golden kind of blonde.

I grabbed some foundation and an eyeshadow palette and settled them in my bag along with a towel and some other practical items, like my board!

I retired for the beach that morning and the verdict was not good. The waves were literally crawling gently to the shore. No way could I surf in this. The flowing of the tide was languorous.
There was no strength in the sea whatsoever.

I stuck my board into the flax-gold beach and sighed. I was never very good at telling the weather for a surf. Not one of my specialities.

'Not such a good day for a surf, hey?' A familiar voice stated casually.

I smiled to my left to where the voice was coming from. It was Mark. Oh my God it was Mark! Okay, I wanted to find him again, but this was too fast. Hey, what am I saying, of course this isn't too fast. Damn, was I glad to see him. I thought it would require a lot more effort to hunt down this guy.

He was looking absolutely gorgeous today. He wore a casual, fitting t-shirt which showed the abs on his stomach. Wow. It was a pale blue, to match his incredible eyes. He also wore some baggy, but not too baggy, khaki shorts which showed me he was a casual sort of guy. His bronzed legs and arms had just the right amount of muscle. What was actually wrong about this guy?

'Ha ha not really. I'm not very good at telling the weather,' I replied, immediately regretting what I said because that just sounded weird.

I decided to add a bit in. 'Thanks by the way -'. Oh God, we both said those exact words at the exact same time. We laughed together. His sexy smile was showing.

'Can I go first?' He asked, still grinning. I nodded with a grin. 'Thank you for letting me use your charger yesterday. I really appreciate it. I was kind of in an emergency so thank you again!' He said in his beautiful masculine voice. Wow, was he attractive.

'No problem at all. Thank you for your note and skittles. That was really sweet. I love skittles by the way,' I said with a playful laugh. I was flirting and I knew it but I really wanted this guy to like me. I looked down at my feet shyly as I felt I was looking at him too much.

'I'm glad you liked them, Nicole. I'm really happy I found you though to say thanks in person. I think a note wasn't really enough'.

He's glad he found me. Score. Yess. I was buzzing at that stage. And he remembers my name. Now that is goals.

'The note was great!' I gave a warm smile. 'So did you get your emergency sorted?' I decided to say just so we could talk for a bit longer.

'Yeah, I did. My roommate was locked out of our apartment so I had to sort that out and give him the janitors number and stuff, but it's all good now.'

Him. Good. He had a male roommate. No girls in my way, hopefully. Now I needed to end the conversation, so I didn't seem too eager, you know?

'Anyway, I'll leave you to it, Mark. I'll probably see you round?'

'Okay, Nicole. See you!' He said politely and began to walk on. Ugh, he didn't even ask for my number or anything. But I shouldn't even be expecting it, I suppose. I began to pick up my bag and take my board into my arms when I saw him turn around.

'Hey, Nicole?' He started off. Yesss, I was thinking. He turned around. Oh my God, oh my God.

'Yeah?' I said casually.

'Are you doing anything today? I don't know, maybe we could grab a bite to eat, or something, if you're free?' He said. I could sense hope in his voice. Or maybe that was me being overly confident. But oh my God, he wanted to go on a date with me. Yay.

'Yeah I'm free, I'd love to!' I replied. I bit my lip because I was starting to become a little bit shy. I was nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be? I was going to go on a date with a ridiculous looking guy.

'Great!' He replied and stepped over towards me. We exchanged numbers. And decided to meet for lunch at 1.30 at a place in the middle of town. I couldn't wait.

Hi everyone / sorry my writing isn't too good, but hopefully it will improve. In the next chapter, you will learn a lot more about Mark's background and Nicole's as well. Maybe you could vote if you liked it? Just if you want. Comment if you feel like it too! Thanks for reading ❤️

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