Part Seventeen

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[A/N: Sorry it's so short. I'll upload more later if I can.]


I looked back at the retreating Euclid with the man’s limp body in his arms.

Yes, I would fight.

I sprinted out the door and headed to the place I found him. Along the way, I became even angrier just thinking of the pain he would have gone through to sustain injuries like that.

I would find these sons of bitches and I would get answers from them before I killed them very painfully right in front of each other so they knew what would be coming for them. To burn alive, you know, with fire, it’s not a very peaceful way to die. With that thought in mind, I smiled to myself and ran faster.

I couldn’t wait.

When I got to the edge of the small clearing, three of my men were surrounding two of the bastards. They were unconscious; it seemed from salt and iron bullets. It didn’t kill them, it was just poison. A very painful poison at that.

“Fill me in, Alexander.”

“Gladly, Miss. These two and a few other buffoons entered the clearing just as you left. The three of us fought these two while the others went after the other three bastards. Shot them with s-iron bullets. So far we’ve managed not to kill any, but I’m telling you, those other bastards are gettin’ it.”

I nodded. “And you know where the rest of my men are, don’t you?”

He nodded at me and looked at Blake, the one to his right. “Yeah, we’ve been taking turns keeping an eye on them. Seems they need help, though.”

I nodded and looked at the three of them. While running off in the opposite direction, I yelled, “Be careful, and don’t let those bastards out of your sight!”

I didn’t wait for a response. Instead, I took advantage of my senses and my speed to find them. They were fighting in the woods, which gave us the advantage because we knew the woods better than our own rooms. I could hear them fighting still and I smelled blood, a familiar scent. This meant that these bastards hurt one of my men.

I followed that scent and found Conner, a large man with a dark goatee and one of the brightest of red eyes. He was one of my best. He was leaned against a tree, holding his left arm. It had a gash in it from his shoulder to his elbow.

“Stay put, Conner. I’ll get the bastards.” He nodded weakly, even though the wound was already starting to heal. I took out my gun from its holster, loaded with rock-salted-iron bullets. I held it up in front of me and listened for the man rounding the corner. One…two…three—As soon as he was in my view, I tried to shoot him in the chest, but he dodged it and then he disappeared behind the trees. I didn’t even see it coming when I was knocked over and flew fifty feet away from Conner. But I was quick to get up.

We fought for what seemed forever when only it was ten minutes. In the end though, I had to pop my shoulder back in place and a few small cuts healed quickly. I shot him in the chest, with the rock-salted-iron bullets; the rock-salt would sting like hell, and the iron would poison your blood, but together, it was one hell of a nasty, dirty mix.

“Miss Schuyler! Is that you?”

“Yeah, Solent. How is everybody?” The woods were eerily quiet and I smelled blood, but it was not familiar to me.

“We’re fine,” he said showing up in front of me. “We had to kill one of them though. Two s-iron bullets weren’t enough.”

“Damn. Okay, we got most of them. That’s good. Good work everyone! Back to the castle, so we can lock these bastards up.” Solent picked up the one I had shot and flung him over his shoulder.

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