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I finally make it to my penthouse after helping Seohyun with the new shipment from Red Velvet. I'm still puzzled by what Krystal said earlier. "Do she really miss me?" I question as I go to take a shower.

I suddenly sense something isn't right in my room. The bathroom light is on, and I damn sure didn't leave it on. The only person who has a key is Seohyun and I was just with her. I grab my gun that's under the nightstand and slowly walk towards the bathroom. With the gun in my right hand I use my left to open the slightly ajar door. I notice that there is a picture on my mirror.

It's a picture of Kai and Krystal. I turn it over Kai wrote. "I ran out of paper so I used this. Lol I hope you can forgive me. I really should buy some paper. Back to business, I reviewed the targets you guys sent me. Tell your boss I want 10 million, but the new target will be on the house. It was good seeing you Am. By the way I love what you did with the place especially how well you hid that safe."

"FUCK!" I yelled. My mind was in overload. I went to the kitchen to check my safe that's hidden under the sink. It's still open, but nothing is missing. There are 2 open unopened iPhones and a smaller box which contains his and hers rings.

I haven't been in my safe since I moved in. I sit on the floor with my back leaning against the cabinet. My mind is back thinking about business. "How that mother fucker get in? More importantly who is the new target? I wasn't aware of any new targets." As I am trying to piece the puzzle together I grab the small ring box. A smile creeps on my face, when I remember giving the ring to Krystal 7 years ago before I even meet Taeyeon.


I was walking to Krystal's house after school left out. I was a sophomore in high school and school just let out for summer break. I had stayed a little bit later to play a quick basketball game since I won't see my teammates for a while.

I was getting more nervous as I was getting closer to Krystal's house. Krystal and I have been friends for a year now. The more I got to know her the more I fell in love with her. Today was going to be the day that I ask her to be mine.

My best friend Seohyun, who happens to be my childhood friend, has hyped me up so much to finally tell Krystal my true feelings. I grip the promise rings in my pocket to give myself some encouragement.

I pull my phone out to make sure I had the right address. This is the first time I'm going to her house. I open the little picket fence when I see this long blonde haired tomboy with her hat backwards on the front porch intensely making out with this shorter brunette. I know I'm blushing a bit at the sight. My perverted mind imagines that it's me and Krystal. I notice that I'm actually staring at them, when Krystal comes out and snaps me back to reality.

"Amber, hey come in," she says with a huge smile. I smile and walk up the stone walkway. I don't dare to look at the couple still making out on my right as I walk in the house.

"don't mind them, they are always like that," says Krystal as she is leading me to her room.

"Who was that?" I shyly ask.

"That's my older sister Jessica and the blonde girl is her girlfriend. You know I don't actually know her name. Jess won't tell me for some reason. I'm sorry if you are offended by them." She says as she opens her door and lets me in.

I quickly shake my head. " nooo that's cool I'm not offended at all." I give a quick smile.

"So, what's up, you said you wanted to talk to me," she says as she goes to sit on her bed and motions me to sit next to her.

I sit down without looking at her. I rub my sweaty hands on my jeans and take a deep breath.

"Krys, I'm not sure how u feel but I can't deny how I feel for you. Ever since the first day we meet a year ago, you have made my heart race. It's been so hard to hold back my feelings because I was scared to tell you but I just want to say that I love you and I would like for you to be my girlfriend." I said softly still not looking at her.

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