School Dance Loneliness

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So it has come to that time of year again for Marinette.
Marinette has never really liked going to school dances at all, but this time Alya 'kind of' forced her. (Alya basically forced her, Mari had no say at all)

Not really finding fun to the dance at all, Marinette just goes to the food table and drinks some punch. Leaning against the wall with her punch, Marinette was staring into her punch just swirling the cup around.

"Man, I'm so bored," Marinette mumbled to herself.

Spotting Alya and Nino in the crowd, she watches them for a few minutes dancing to the loud music that's currently giving her a headache at the moment. Finally giving up with her throbbing head, Marinette throws her punch away and walks out of the gym. She tries to find a quite place to rest from the loud music, but everywhere she goes all she sees is couples making out or people who are lazily talking like they are drunk. Not wanting to be apart of any of that, Marinette just wanders alone around the designated area for the dance. Finally spotting a quiet bench, with no one around, Marinette rushes over to it.

"Finally, as much peace and quiet I am gonna get tonight," Marinette whispers to herself.

She slowly closes her eyes for a few minutes to rest her aching head until she feels a shift of the bench. Quickly, Marinette opens her eyes and turns her head to look at the person or thing next to her.
It was Adrien.
Blankly staring at him, Marinette attempts to start a conversation with him. {A/N: Marinette doesn't have a crush on will see why}

"Um... hi," Marinette says.

Turning her way, Adrien stares at her until replying with, "Hi Marinette!"

"So why are you here?" she questions.

"Wanting to get away. My friend, Nino, basically forced me to come tonight. What about you?" Adrien responds.

"Same. Alya forced me and I got a headache from the loud music and now I'm here."

Silence drifts over the two for a moment, before Marinette speaks up again.

"Well, it's nice to know someone else went through what I did too," she laughs out.

Adrien chuckles at her comment.

She's so beautiful. How did I never notice her before?, Adrien thinks to himself.

"Marinette?" Adrien asks.

"Yes, Adrien?"

Knowing she loves books and wanted to keep their conversation going, Adrien asked the one thing every book-loving fangirl could never answer.

"What's your favorite book?"

"What?!?" Marinette practically screams out.

"How can you ask me that? There are so many amazing books out in this world and you are making me choose one. ONE?!? One book, out of every single one I have read. How is that even possible? Are you trying to get me to be angry or what??!!" Marinette rants to him.

"Not at all. I just want to keep talking to you. You are such a cutie. And I know you can't answer that question because I feel the same way about books," Adrien smiles.

"Wait, are you.....a fanboy?" Marinette quietly whispers.

"Yes, yes I am. Also have you watched anime, Marinette?"

"Anime? Anime! Of course I have. Books and Anime are like the best things ever!!!" Marinette excitedly exclaims.

"I think I'm falling for you," Adrien super quietly whispers out.

"What was that?" Marinette inquires.

"Ohhh, ummm, nothing. But, yes, I definitely agree with you, Marinette, about books and anime. They are amazing," Adrien nervously responds, trying to cover up his previous statement.

"I think I'm falling for you," Marinette then mutters out.

"What did you say?" Adrien asks the bluenette.

"Oh nothing. Umm. I have to go now, Adrien. It was nice talking to you. I hope we can do it again sometime," she speaks while scribbling something on a slip on paper.

Handing him the paper, Marinette stands and looks at Adrien, who is currently looking at the sheet of paper.

Her phone number, Adrien ponders.

Looking back up at Marinette, Adrien smiles.

"See you Adrien," Marinette states, about to walk off until she stops herself.

She looks back at the blonde boy still sitting on the bench.

"Ummm, I-I..." Marinette stutters, until stopping herself and placing a kiss on Adrien's cheek.

Running away, Marinette yells back, "Bye Adrien! See you soon!"

Staring at the sprinting Marinette, Adrien smiles to himself, "Yes, we will see each other again soon! Especially cause I think I have found 'the one'."

Adrien then stands up himself to walk home. Thinking about the bluenette he talked to, all night long.


Marinette POV
"Oh my goodness, he called me cutie."

Adrien POV
"Oh my goodness, I called her cutie."

Completed: December 24, 2016

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