The Unexpected Tackle

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"Marinette? Are you going to the game on Friday?" Alya asks her best friend.

"Hmm? The football game? Ohhh, yeah. I am. I am actually going to be volunteering there," Marinette replies, not taking her eyes off her homework.

"Marinette! Seriously? You are going to volunteer at the varsity home football game?" Alya almost practically screams out.
"Alya, shhh. I am trying to do my homework. And we are in the library!"
"Marinette, you need to lighten up girl."

Finally finishing her homework for that night, Marinette peels her eyes from her papers.

"Hey! I am getting better at the whole lightening up thing. Why do you think I am going to the game in the first place? I am killing two birds with one stone," Marinette retorts, trying to defend herself and her determined nature.

"Okay girl, whatever you say," Alya sighs, finally starting to pack her school stuff up due to finishing her homework shortly after Marinette did.

Once the two were packed up, they walk out of the library to depart their separate ways to their homes.

-----Friday Night. Day of the Football Game-----

Marinette is preparing for her volunteer day at the game when her phone's alarm goes off.
Beep Beep Beep
Grabbing her phone to turn her alarm off, Marinette grabs her stuff and heads to her car. She gets into the car and stares for a minute.

Sighing, she says to herself, "Time to go to a football game to volunteer. Let's do this, Marinette!"

Getting herself hyped up, she starts to drive to her school to begin her volunteering.

Marinette, even though she was a straight A student and was very determined and motivated for anything, was actually very excited to be going to the game. Marinette loved sports, including football, and only her parents knew about her secret obsession. On most weekends, Marinette would do her homework all on Friday if she could, help out in the bakery on Saturday, and watch her sports all on Sunday. She would get all into it. If you walked into her closet it would seem like a normal girl's closet, well, until you dug behind those "display" clothes. Marinette had piles of jerseys, face paints, and spirit colors to support the sport teams she was in to.

Marinette finally pulls into a parking spot and goes to the football field. She was here early to set up everything for her time to volunteer. Unfortunately, today, Marinette was the only volunteer and she had to ready everything herself. The coach of the football team spotted her and he ran over, leaving his team to continue their warm up.

"Marinette, right?" Coach asked.
"Yes, that's me!" Marinette replies with a wide smile.

"Wow, an eager one I see," Coach smirks, "Anyways, all you have to do is make sure all the team water bottles are filled and give them to the members when they ask. Also, because you are the only one here today, feel free to ask for help whenever you need it. I will sign off for your volunteering hours, too. Thank you Marinette!"

With that, Coach ran back to the football team and starts barking exercises to the boys. Marinette then finds the bottles and starts to organize them into their proper holders and places the big boxes on the bench, all organized neat and to perfection.
People start to arrive for the game and Marinette just waits for her job to actually begin. Starting to drift into her thoughts, she gets snapped out of them when she hears the coach speaking to her.

"Wow! Marinette, these are so organized. You should come each game! And you did this by yourself?!? You are better than the multiple volunteers that have come!" Coach exclaims.

"Oh, thanks Coach! I just can't wait for the game to begin! And can I? That would be amazing Coach!!"

"Well, seeing how eager you are, I can tell you, you have the best spot to see the game up close and real. And of course, you are amazing so far. I can't wait for your amazing skills at future games. I got to go prep the boys up now. Keep your great work up!"

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