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Word count: 1349 words

Hey guys. Just want you to know that the first part isn't edited and the bottom part of the story is. I'm too lazy to go through the whole thing and fix it. Sorry😇

"I'm a mother fucking Starboy!" I yelled singing along to my favorite song. "Kenzie hurry up I'm gonna pick a movie without you!" Zach yelled from his room. I quickly rinsed my hair and turned off the water. I changed into into a teal hoodie, a black sports bra, and some leggings. I put on some of Zach's socks and slipped on my flip flops. I went to Zach's room and found him on his phone. "I'm here." I said jumping on his bed. He looked up and put his head on my chest. He pressed play on the movie and we started watching it. "This was a great date." I told Zach when the movie ended. "I know right." He said smirking. "Let's go live?" He asked out of nowhere. "Sure?" He pressed on the app and pressed on Go live. We took a picture and all of a sudden a bunch of people where watching.
LovingClayton: who's she?
"This is Kenzie. She's my best friend/enemy." He said licking my cheek. "Nasty." I said licking his cheek back.
Loving5quad: goals
5quadplusmagcon: are you two dating
"Nooo. Eww why would I date this rat?" "Hey!! The rat's right here." He said making a weird face. We broadcasted for about thirty minutes and then his mom yelled for him to go to sleep. "Dude, I'm gonna get killed. It's literally 1 in the morning." I said checking my phone. "Sleepover then." He said. "It's not that easy Zach. Remember I gave to babysit tomorrow." I said fixing my hair. "Where did you put my clothes?" I asked as I got up from his bed. "In my hamper. Mom's gonna wash it." He said. "Why would Apryll wash my clothes?" I asked. He didn't answer and just followed me downstairs. "Mom I'm sleeping over at Kenzie's house." Zach said to his phone.

We walked to my house down the street and walked in. Zach went to my room while I went to my mom's room.

"Mom I'm home." I whispered.

"Why are you here so late?" She asked.

"I was at Zach's house and we were watching a movie."

"Whatever. New time text me or something."

She said falling back asleep. I went to my room and found Zach literally snoring on my bed. I pushed him to the side and layed down.
I put my phone to charge and soon fell asleep.
The next day I woke up to Zach jumping on top of the bed.

"Morning babe." He said smiling innocently.

"What did you do?"

"I might or might not have been dancing around and woke up the twins."


"Yes princess?"

"Stop being sweet. And go calm them down."

"That's the thing they won't calm down."


I got out of bed and went to the twin's room.

I grabbed Jacob and started rocking him. He went back to sleep and I put him in his crib.

But Danielle on the other hand, kept on crying. I made her a bottle and after she ate I burped her. It looked like she was gonna calm down but she kept on crying. I changed her dipper. But she kept on crying.

"Zach help me change her I'm gonna change so I can take her outside." I said.

I put on some Nike pros and a shirt over my sports bra.

I went back to the room and Danielle was only wearing a shirt.

Nice job Zach.

I picked her up and went outside. I sat at near the pool and wet her feet. She stopped crying.

Bad Boy's Girl (Zach Clayton) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now