7.New Friend

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Aerin POV
   I grimaced as we were eating our breakfast at the cafeteria."Then what am I going to do today? And who am I going to be with? I'm all alone...." I said sadly."Why don't you make new friend?" Jackson oppa suggested."I don't know...I hope so.Aish,firstly Jinyoung oppa and you have to be in your club for the whole day.Ahreum is having a training for the upcoming run contest.Jaehwa need to go to the museum for a trip after this.Yugyeom and Bambam need to practise their dance for the upcoming school event which is at the end of year! And Youngjae also needs to practise for his singing.Mark oppa is practising basketball with JB.I'm alone..." I whined at them."Kwaenchana,noona.
Let's all of us watch a new movie at the cinema this week.Okay?" Bambam asked."Fine.." A few minutes later the ring bell.And,it's the time now.The time where they're going to leave me.
"Annyeong~!" They bid me happily as they went to the right.I bid them back lazily as I went to the opposite direction.This day is crazy! It's okay,just this one day.
Park Aerin,you can do it! I think I'll just make my self busy today with daydreaming,or making some fool
stupid joke for my self.Just to entertain.Or,I could just make a new friend just like what Jackson oppa said!
Yes! I think I'm going to find some when it's recess.
The class today unexpectedly when well.Maybe this day is not that bad too.
Recess.Time to make new friend.I know that some of the others is just in the school.But I just think the opportunity to meet them is just a little.I walked to the cafeteria alone swinging my hand along."You're alone?" A boy asked.I looked to my side when I saw this boy.Eww..he always flirted with every girl.Yoo Jung Hyun.
"Did you see anyone else with me?" I said sarcastically."Woah..playing hard aren't you little girl?" Why does everyone call me little?! "I bet you know that I already have a boyfriend" I said and kept walking,not even looking at him."Can't I steel you away from him?" He said pouted.What?! Okay I admitted that this boy is kind of good looking,but no way I'm going to like him that way.I think he's not that bad at all."No.But I think I can help you find another girls so you could flirt with them" I said as I chuckled at his reaction."That will make it too.So,can I have my recess with you?" He asked.I think it will be fine.I need new friend to by the way."Okay.Let's go".We continued walking and chatting.
"Bhaha! Really?! That's why you shouldn't flirt!" I said and laughed out as he told me that one day when he flirt with a girl,she got angry and threw the ice cream she had in his hand to his face.We arrived at the cafeteria and we heard people shouting and throwing thing like they were fighting."What happen?" I asked Junghyun."I don't know.Let's see" He said.We went inside and Yup.I'm right.There were two boys fighting.I saw Junghyun moving forward."Yah,what are you doing?"
"What are you expecting?stopping them of course!" He immediately went to them."Junghyun!" I said but it's too late already.He got in the middle and tried to pull the boys apart.As he trying one boy accidentally missed his punch and it land on Junghyun's face.
"Stop it!!" He screamed.They stop and panting really hard."You're the senior this year! Show some good attitude!" He said loudly.One of the boy smirked.
"Really? Says the playboy.Is that a good attitude?" He asked and scoffed.I could see Junghyun clenched his teeth so I quickly pulled him away.
"Let's just go" I said.
We sat at the garden as I bite my bread.
What?Even in that condition I still have to steel the time to at least buy a food."Are you okay?" I asked as I handed him another pack of bread.He took and opened it.He nod and took a bite."Can I ask you something?" I asked carefully,hoping that he won't be mad.
"Go ahead" He said while his mouth full with food."Why are you always flirting with many girls? Don't you feel hurt? I mean,when they reject you? And what will you do if you get them?"
He sighed."I,never tell this to anyone."
He finish the bread in his mouth before continue."There's this one girl.She was my first love.This may seems cliché" He chuckled."But she thought me the meaning of love.I love her so,much.Her
cute smile and laugh.Everything about
her.I don't know why,but sometimes it's really hard for me to forget about her.Even at this moment,I still missed her like crazy" He said."So now,where is she? Didn't you try to get her back?"
I asked more.I'm really curious aren't I? "She left.She left me,she left Korea"
He let out a hard breath and his eyes is watery right now. "That's why I flirt with other girls.To get rid of my feeling for her.To play with their feelings.But that,really never heal my hurt.I never felt hurt if they reject me.If I get them?I don't know.Maybe just fool them around".He let it all out."I'm sorry" I feel bad right now.
"Don't.It's not your fault" He looked at me."You know,I think,it's not her fault.
Maybe,she left because of something.
From your story,I think.No.Not think.I confident,that she's also love you with all of her heart.That's why she got you.
She did it" "Did what?" He asked curiously. "Succeed,in steeling your heart.That's why you can't forgot about her.Neither now nor forever". "What do you mean?" This boy,I think he's stupid too.I sighed softly "When a girl loves a boy.She will do anything to get his attention.To make him crazy and addicted to her.That is when,she will feel relieve because she know,that the boy,will never look at somebody else.
But,she needs patience.She need to do it slowly,because she knows,a lot of challenge will come to hunt her.That is my point.She loves you as much as you love her.That's why you're like this.
Trust me,it's also hurt for her to just leave you like that.She loves you.
Believe in your self,Junghyun,one day,
she will come back for you.To search you.And continue,having the relationship both of you used to.And,
that's what I want to be.I want to make my boyfriend,be like you.Not your attitude okay! Just how crazy and addicted you are.I want him to be like that.Just at me"."I feel relieve and a bit ease now,thanks Aerin.You know what?you can be a lecturer since you know so much about 'Love'.And 'my boyfriend'? Just say JB! It's not like I don't know him!" He laughed.I smacked his arm."Ow!okay!okay! It's true then from what I heard.
You really like to hit.Mostly JB I think"
He said."Hey!I didn't hit him or you that hard!" I offended."Maybe,but you kinda strong" He added."Did you really know him?" He then made that duh face."You really like questions don't you.It's not like I know like that kind of 'know'.Just I know him.Who won't? Your relationship is obviously famous here.I bet even the freshman could've know it" Really? "Ahh..Then why don't I introduce you to him even more! So you can be our friends!" I said happily.
"Our?" He asked. "You really like questions don't you?" I stated sarcastically back."Haha.Funny" He made a the haha-so-funny face and tone."Tch.I wasn't making a joke though.Yes,our.The group I usually hang out with.." "Will they accept me?"
He asked unsure if they want to be friend with a guy like him."Of course they will! They such a nice person! Trust me!" "My hope is on you Park Aerin".
"Let's go!" I shouted.Gosh,he is so slow! He smirked and walked even slowly."Junghyun!" He rolled his eyes.
"Fine,fine" He said.As we walked out the door gate,he asked "Don't you wait for them?" He referring to the others.
"Nah,they gonna be late plus they have to be extra a few hours at school.I bet they'll be home after dawn" He nod.
"Let's grab a fish cake first shall we?I kinda hungry now" He said.We just continue like that walking and chatting just to not make the atmosphere awkward."Can I know her name?" I asked.Yes.We're still talking about that girl."Song Mi Yeon" He stated while smiling."She had a pretty name" I respond trying to make him feel happy at least."Right?! Just like the person she is" He said again excited and overjoyed."I hope I can meet her one day" "I am hoping the same".We already in front of my house already.I know usually I will ride a car with JB but he couldn't get home early and this boy right beside me said we need to take care of our health by walking and bla bla bla.That's why we just walked all the way here."Thank you" I said.
"Your welcome.See you tomorrow!"
He said happily and I saw him slowly disappeared from my sight walking towards his mansion.I went inside when all of the sudden "meow" I looked down and screamed running away.
"Aerin! Why?!" The ahjumma maid asked worriedly.I point at Nora.
"Aerin,it's just a cat.Aigoo,this kid" She
said and laughed."Arayo" I said embarrassed.Don't take me wrong!
I love cat but I'm scared of them.I mean,I love them but I not that brave to pick them up or what.I could just pat them when they in a calm position or whatsoever.But still,I'm not that brave.
She must just came back from the veterinarian clinic since she need to get it's monthly injection.Not like she have a deceased.But just to make sure that her health is maintain and she would stay fine."Then,Nora.Unnie will take a bath first okay.Oppa will come back soon so don't worry oh? Annyeong!"
I bid her and she meowed back at me as if she understand what am I saying.
"I'm home!" I heard someone's yelling.
I excitedly got up and when the bedroom door creaked open I immediately jumped on him."Woah...
Did you miss me that much" He said and trying to make himself balance.
I nod eagerly in his chest."But I don't"
He said.I as fast as lightning shot my head up and scoffed."That's really mean" I pulled away and crossed my arms."You're lucky he made my day today" I mumbled softly."He?!" Fudge.
He heard it.I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the bed back,continuing watching 'Scarlet Heart'.Tch.I,with all of my heart,stop this favourite drama of mine just to greet him and he said he didn't miss me and suddenly said 'he?!'
Bla bla bla."Yah,who is this he?" He asked desperately and climbed on the bed.I ignored his and continue to watch this scene where Prince Eun and his wife finally acted like a married couple.
"Aerin,who is he~?" He used his aegyo.
Pftt,sorry boy it won't work this time.
He snatched my iPad and put it away.
"Give it back!" I tried to reach for it.
He hold my wrists and make me stay still.I wriggled trying to escape from his strong grip."Who.Is.He" He asked sternly."No one" I said."geosjimal"
"anyi..jinjja" I defence my self."If I know you're lying,I will kiss you.'In front of people' tomorrow.So many times" He smirked."You can't! I won't let you!" "Really? You can't even free yourself from this grip and you think you can stop me from doing so? Aigoo,
you're really cute Jagi" He ruffled my hair."It does not have anything to do with a kiss and why does it always have to be a kiss?! You're always threatened me with that!" I said with all of my heart.Gosh.Kiss kiss kiss kiss.Kiss?! Ugh! "Because I know that is one of your weakness point" "Who say so?!"
"Really? If you're so stubborn,that we'll se tomorrow,naughty Park Aerin"

Sorry for the late update! I'll try to update at more reasonable time okay!Mianhae! And sorry for the last part to cause I think it seems ridiculous.I end it in the middle of night,don't judge me!😂 Okay see you in the next chap! Annyeong~! Muahhh!

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