18.Pre Camp

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Aerin POV
Few days ago, we got an announcement, saying that we're going to have a pre camp, as a training or spoiler, learning a bit about how this activity is going to run, before the real camping day run of. Camping does should be happening. We should be happy and enjoying it, thinking that all of the stress thing been released but for me it's not. I don't have any partner! While everyone doing a work in a pair, I've to do it alone. Unfortunately, the worked is really set up for pairs worked.

How could it be that way anyway? Shouldn't the teachers make sure that the numbers of student is even? So that every students will had it pair. Even in the bus all the way to here, I've to sit with my teacher. Although it's the first day, but the worked we had to do is tough. Now it's afternoon, and the teachers asked us to find the firewoods. It supposed to be 10 per team but for my case, I just had to find 5. But they want a bigger one from. Aishh...what a day.

I continued walking into the big forest. Seeing others searching it together just make me feel sick. I decided to just search it in the other way. Three in my arms..and now another t- ouch! I quickly putted the woods away and look at my knees. Oww..it scratched. Thanks god it's not so bad. I stood up carefully before picking up the woods and continue to search more.

"Aerin" looking back, I saw him. Look forward, continue walking, ignore him. Yes Aerin. That's it. "Are you okay?" He spun me around and looked at me with worried face. "I'm fine" I answered and was about to turn around but he got a good hold of my   arms, "Minsuk, I'm fine. Just let me go" he had that hesitant look on his face "It's scratch" Why was he being so nice suddenly? "Kwaenchana,I'm fine" He let me go and I smiled a bit before continuing my pace.

"L-let me help you" I looked at him and immediately shook my head "No! It's fine! I don't want you to get punish. Just help your partner" I walked away step by step. Must looked like a little kid who just know how to walk. It started to feel sting..but I ignore it and keep doing my so-called-solo-duty.


"Good job students, you manage to find the woods by the given time. Now, you can go change and rest or do whatever you want. But remember,be careful of your surroundings, and don't go to far to the point we can't detect you. Whoever break the rules, he/she will get the punishments. Got it?" The teacher gave his speech. "Ne!!" He nodded before continued "Also,we'll had a little games tonight. I'll warn you the 'prizes' for the one who lost the game so you could get ready" he said and each of us pay a serious attention.

"If you lost the game, you'll need to be the last one to clean your dishes tonight, and get inside the tent 15 minutes late. No matter boys or girls,they'll have to do it" After those words being told, all of us started to whine and protested "Sir,this is not fair!" One student shouted? Gosh..who is it? His voice was so loud. "Wait,wait. I've told you. It's for the one who lose the game. That's why you've to do it as hard as you can, if you win...than you'll survive" He shrugged his shoulder.

Haha.A good joke. 'As hard as you can'. What about me? I.Am.Alone. I repeated, ALONE. "You may dismissed now" And they went back to their tent, while I get in the teacher's tent. Yeah..one benefits, luckily this tent is bigger than the student's. I think it's just a new good starting? Oww..the sting on my knees is not helping. I folded up my pants, and take a look.

It's turning even more red now? I sighed, walking to the shelf, I take the tissue and my water bottle inside the bag. I sat, and started cleaning the small wound. "Aerin? Are you in here?" A sounds cooed, I look up only to fine Chloe unnie. "Hey,what happened to your knees?!" Her eyes widened and she looked panic. "Unnie,unnie,calm down. It's nothing,I'm fine" She took a sit beside me and the the tissue and bottle away before cleaning it for me.

"What happened?" She asked softly. "I fell..." She nodded "While searching for the woods?" I nodded.
"Aigoo,such a clumsy baby you are" she pinched my cheeks softly before covering the scratch with a plaster. "Are you fine alone? Do you want me to talk with the teacher? I can ask them to put you in my group. Or other's if you want" She asked as she make a braid with my hair.

"Aniya,unnie. Then it'll not be fair for other group" She must be doing a weird face right now "What do you mean?" She asked and took another line of hair.
"You mean, it's not fair because the group that had you in there will have 3 person?" I nodded slowly. "Then you think you alone is fair?" She asked again and tied my hair. "I don't know...but I'm serious unnie, it's fine" I looked at her and she smiled softly before patting my head.

" STUDENTS, AT HERE IN ONE, TWO-" oh no.. I quickly get up and rushed towards the place we gathered and at the same time trying to hold on this pain at my knee. "Okay, so for tonight's game.. we'll be 'Finding The Lucky Ribbon!'. Each of you have to walk around this camp sites, and we've hide 24 baby pink ribbons as there's 25 of you. And.. whoever doesn't get to find the ribbon.. as I said so, the punishments is yours" Mr.Han said with a smile at the end of the sentences.

Thanks gosh, that this time we have to do it individually. But still.. I didn't know if I could managed walking properly with this sting hurted knee. The whistle out of the sudden chiming and all of us started to find the ribbons. Everyone was moving slowly since it's night, pretty cool, and bet they must be tired from the evening's activities. Same goes as mee.. I walk to the tree at the side of this place and.. hey! I spotted a ribbon tied there!

I walk slowly and tried to reach for it. Tiptoeing but still, I can't managed to take it. It's too high.. Please, just this one.. I tried but still I couldn't. Suddenly, a figure came and easily took that ribbon. I looked at him with a shocked face. "Aerin, I'm really, really sorry" Baekhan said before bowing and running towards the teachers...


" I'm sorry Park Aerin, but it looks like you can't make it" Mr.Han said while giving a sympathy smile to me. I nodded slowly and either way go toward the big tent for dinner as my stomach were crying from this past few hours, begging to be fill.

Ahreum seems to be the sec last to wash the plate so it doesn't look that bad. When we were eating just now, they kept on talking but I didn't feel like to. My mood is flying way to far from my soul and all I do is nodded and nodded and nodded. I can't even give a full attention on what am I doing..

"Aerin, will you be alright waiting alone outside? The weather now is kinda freezing though. Why didn't your wear your jacket?" Ahreum said as she turned around. As much as I 'hate' her, yet still, I know how kind she is when it comes to serious part. I smiled slowly and nodded. "Hmm..". She looked at me worriedly. "Hey.. you okay?" I nodded again. She sighed before putting a strain of my hair to the back of my ear like a sister would do. "I'm here" She said with that sister-voice and I smiled "I know"


I lowered my body slowly and sit on the from-tree-trunk-bench around the CAMPFIRE. Haih.. I feel regretted for not wearing my jacket though. All of my friends had enter their tent just now. Might as well fall asleep. I rubbed my hand together and beforehand placing it at the fire so it could make myself warm. Bringing my legs to my body, I hugged them and lay my head gently on my arms.

"Oppa.. I miss you.."

OMG OMG GUYSSS I MISS YOU LIKE SOO MUCHHH!!😭 IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR AGES BUT SCHOOL HAD ME TIED UP AND I LITERALLY DONT HAVE MUCH TIME.. but I'm not lying. I MISS YOUUU😭 and sorry for this short chapter .. act this is an unfinished one from last year 😂 I know this is my first update after months and I can't convince you when is my next update but I'll try to put much effort for you key? :)  Thank you for still reading and being loyal on my storyy, I LOVE YOU!❤️ andd.. hey, if someone is 'unlazy' enough lol. Can you please , at least share at me some stories / something bout GOT7? Hihi. Yeahh like I said I didn't have much time as so well to catch up with this boys. Andd.. YOW FEEL FREE TO PRIVATE MESSAGE ME HERE AS I NEED PWENS HAHAHA well, maybe that's for now? Talk to you later~ Love you Muahhh~!!

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