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Oh my goddddddddd it's really been a while since I write actually T_T. Tbh, there're some, can I say, obstacles? That have been approaching me these past years. Well first of all,

1. I'm still on my study.
Well I started writing this book on 2016? And by that time, I mean I have lotsss of time to make myself busy with watching these crackheads vids and keeping up with their updates. But by the time I continued my studies (2017), which is still ongoing, I've been isolated from ma gadgets since it's the school's rule and it's pretty much hard to keep in touch with GOT7's update, so I've to wait for holidays, go back home and tadaaa phone's in hand dude haha. That's also meannn, I've lost tad passion in writing as I couldn't feel them the way I used to feel T_T. But no worries! I'm still forever ahgase~!

2. Writer's block?
It's not that bad though as practically I've jotted down the ideas lol

Okey actually it's just that HAHA, I mean, I've more but nah it's okay everything's getting better now except for few things huhu, welll just to inform you guys that maybeee ill try to update in like; after 2 weeks? Simply because I need to settle down few things first and yeah I know that rather than doing this,, I could've make a new chapter instead but,, I want my writing to turn out great so I could pleased my readers and that's why I need times and the times given now for me is not enough heheh

Well, see u guys around later!
I will try harder tu update more okeyy

p/s: my exam is around the corner ; pray for mee! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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