9."Just us"

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Aerin POV
"Well,Mr.Im and Mrs.Park,your project is satisfying.For this I give you A+.But,I think you just need a little bit improvement for the incoming project
okay?" Mrs.Han said.Phew...finally all of our hard work gives us some benefits
"Ne" We stood up and bow."You should
thank me you know.Because I think all you did is playing that time" He said playfully.What the? Hey! I'm the one who paste the picture,do the decoration,write everything about the info,and,and many other things to the point that even I can't remember because it's just too many! Ugh,this man is asking for a death treat."Are you
kidding me?" I asked."No I'm not" He looked at me."Ugh,I'm so not going to do any project with you anymore" He is frustrating."Bwo?Wae...." He whined like a little boy."No reason"
"Oppa,hajima!" What is wrong with him today?! We got this period free,so I decided to go to the library so that I can study peacefully until he decided to come along and all he did is disturbing me! "Tell me why" He said.Again.That's
it.He's been budging me just because I don't tell him the main reason I don't want to be his partner for any other future project.I'm kidding actually.Well
maybe not? Nah,I don't know.But if he with a girl than I make sure ................I with a boy.Hahaha.That's what we call
sweet revenge everybody."I told you,no reason" I get up and went to the rack of book at the back.Wow,no people? At all
"You're lying" I'm not.Where is the book....there! Found it.But it placed at the top."Can you help me?" I asked him.There're 2 reason why I don't get it by myself. 1.Maybe I can't reach it because I'm pretty short. 2.I'm wearing skirt.Yes,uniform.Of course it's not that short but yah.You think this man behind be is not byuntae sometimes? "Why don't you try? What if I'm not here?" He smirked.Here it comes.
"If you're not here than I can just asked the librarian.But please" I pleaded and
pouted,even making my puppy eyes.
"Aish,you're lucky your cute" He pinched my cheek and took the book for me."Kumao~" Before I could go he stop me.He pointed to his cheek.Can I slap him? I make sure that no one is here than pecked his cheek.He hugged me and looked into my eyes.Suddenly his phone ring.Tch,moment ruiner.
"Ah,okay" He keep his phone back and looked at me."The coach want to see me,I see you when it recess time mm?" He ruffled my hair and kiss my nose.I held my burning face in my hand. Heart,can you please calm down?
They didn't realize,but someone is watching them."Is she his girlfriend? I need to make sure first then.But if you are Park Aerin,I'm not sincerely sorry because I need to take your man away from you" She thought and make that evil smirk to herself.
"What did the coach say?" I asked him.
The others didn't arrive yet so we it first.He looked at me and exhaled them smiled.I looked at him weirdly."What's wrong with you?" I asked."I don't know bit I'm just so happy.Is it just me,or you look pretty today? Nah,you're pretty everyday" Don't blush.Don't blush."I think you're sick" I said and place my hand on his forehead."Ah,I'm
right.You're burning" He's not."Can I sit here?" Sojin asked."It's kind of awkward if you keep asking.You can if you want.You're our friends already" He said and at the same time the others arrive.She sat down and looked at me.I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back."Where's Youngjae?" He asked."I'm here! I'm here!" Youngjae said with his Engrish.You seriously should attend Youngjae's English class.
Everyone laughed."I'm here,I'm here"
Yugyeom mimicked him.I dismissed myself to clear my tray and went to the toilet first.
"Are you guys free next week?" Sojin asked them out of the blue as Aerin went."We think so" JB answered representing the group."Can we go hangout next week?" She asked again.
The group think for awhile before they finally agreed."What about Aerin noona?" Youngjae asked."Don't worry,I asked her later on my own.Finally I can go with you guys! Just us".
"Oppa!!" I screamed as I spot JB at the hallway.He turned around and I ran to him."Wae? Is there something wrong?! You hurt?!" He asked worriedly and held me to inspecting my body.I laughed and he looked confused.
"There's nothing" I said."Then?" "Can you help me? Mrs.Son asked me to arrange the freshmen activity card"
Without hesitating "okay".We enter the room and saw a stack of many cards place there."Do you think we can handle this? Why don't we ask Jackson and Jinyoung to help us" He said while staring at the cards."Don't.Not now.If Jackson is here,than the work will never done.Let us at least finish 4/10."
I said.
"Jagi!! I'm tired!" He screamed and laid down.Placing his head at my thigh.
"Can you be quiet?! You've been complaining these past few minutes! If you help me at least we'll managed to less this works!" I said.He is sure really sick today."One of the reason why I agreed to do this with you is,so we can have this time just for us" He sighed and play with my hair."Who's playing while working now?" I said sarcastically."You" He said.-_- "Come on,my hands hurt already.Help me..."
He took my hands and massaged it.
"Oppa,you're wasting time...if you use this time to settle this it will at least make you finish 10 cards"  "It's not".Ugh,he is so stubborn."Can you not be stubborn?" I asked frustrated."You are stubborn to.All the time" He said.When I saidnit's him,he would say it's me.What is that supposed to mean?? "Let's just continue tomorrow,it's time to go home" Really? Time flew fast.He stood up from his laying position and pulled me up.
"I'll wait for you at the car" He said and went out first.I asked him to since my things and table is a mess and I need to clean it for sure."Aerin?" I looked to the back and saw Sojin there.I didn't see her just now? "Yes?" I said politely and cleaning at the same time."Can I ask you something?" "Sure,go ahead" I said."Are you in a relationship with Jaebum?"
Why,did ...she,"Umm..yes" I said. "Break up with him" What?! I looked at her."You hear me,break up with him"
What does she want."What do you want?! You don't have the right to tell me to!" I said angrily.She smirked.
"Easy,I want him.He didn't deserved having girl like you as his girlfriend.But if you don't," She came closer to me
"Your family,friends even him...will suffer."

Short update! Andwae! What's going on?!

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