Chapter 11

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Two months of holiday and I am enjoying it by spending everyday in home, doing nothing but watch dramas, and fangirl over a bunch of artists.

I hang out with my friends sometimes, such as Jingxiu, Jingyi, Zhengyao, Weiliang, and Crystal, and also sometimes with Xueyu. I even went out once together with Hongbin and Yongjian. Well, actually Yongjian came because both Hongbin and I literally went to his house and dragged him out of there.

We also went to a short trip in Zhangjiajie together. The we that I meant by is Jingyi, Zhengyao, Weiliang, Jingxiu, Crystal and me. One thing that I hate about Changsha's weather is it is damn hot here when it's summer.

Zhangjiajie is not really as hot as Changsha as it's surrounded by mountains. We also went to Fenghuang after that. To be truth, we've planned out our short trip to those places right before our exams started.

Xueyu and I often went to watch movies and shopping together. Because of that, my expenses for the whole holiday almost finish. When it comes to buy things, Xueyu is very eager and she can buy a lot of things, no matter it's food, books or even clothes.

It's school reopen day, and once school reopens, we're in the last year already. Time sure flies. I still remember how nervous I am when I first went into high school.

I don't know if me and my friends will be separated after high school or not. Xueyu's plan is to study in city area of Changsha and I am going to be with her. Hongbin who is good in a lot of things sure have a bright future but it's just he doesn't know what he should be studying, since he has a lot of interests.

Jingxiu always tell us that he wanted to go to Japan to study for electronic engineering but he's always complaining about himself not being good in Physics. Jingyi wanted to study dentist but same as Jingxiu, she just simply hates Biology. Weiliang said that he wants to be a cardiologist. I think that it's quite hilarious as he told us that he doesn't want to study for medicine, but he wants to be a cardiologist.

I don't really know about what Zhengyao and Crystal wanted to study. Zhengyao seems to have plan to go to Beijing or Shanghai to study, but he said that his parents opposed it as it was too far.

Jiayi went to her class trip after her exams finished. Well, she became mysterious after that. She will often go out alone, not telling any of us where she went, and I sometimes found her staying up late playing with her phone, probably chatting with someone.

I've suspected for a long time that she is having a boyfriend, but it's quite impossible for her to move on from Luhan. The only possibility is she is with Luhan, but I don't think that that is impossible too, as she wasn't even telling me anything about him anymore. Well, maybe she has a new crush?

"Jiahui!" I heard a loud voice greeted me as I stepped into the school. It was Xueyu. I waved back at her and approached to her.

"I miss you, girl." She gave me a bear hug and said.

"Seriously, we've just seen each other a few days ago, Xueyu." I chuckled and told her.

"Yeah, but it feels like forever." She grinned.

"Silly." I ruffled her hair softly and told her. "Let's go to the class."

I don't know why, it seems like every school has this kind of tradition. The top classes of the last year must be at the highest floor of the highest building in the school. I seriously hate this fact that we actually have to climb upstairs for four floors consecutively in order to get to our class.

I am glad that at least I am together with Xueyu, climbing the stairs.

Well, climbing stairs is good for health, of course. But imagine, when you're rushing for toilet, you have to run your way down to the last floor just for toilet. Our school is mean enough to build the toilet a small building and we have to rush down to the lowest floor.

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