Losing Control and Evil Reflection

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*Clara's P.O.V.*

"Control, control, do not lose control!"

That was my only thought as I reached my bedroom, slamming the door shut. Locking it, I placed my back against the door, trembling slightly.

I tried to breath.

But the symbol kept popping into my mind, driving me insane!

I paced my bedroom, wringing my hands as I whispered, "Don't lose control, dont lose control!" But my powers were not listening to me, and were instead covering the ground with a mixture of elements!

That's when I noticed it... a mirror over the table that hadn't been there before! Cautiously, I creeped to the mirror, looking into my reflection.

I sighed.

Suddenly, a girl looking very similar to me appeared in the mirror!

I gasped, holding a shaking hand with my mouth. "No! No! NO!" I cried silently, even as the reflection asked, "Miss me?"

The girl looked to be around my age, and appeared to take on my appearance. Except the girls braided hair was black and her ninja gi was purple with black edges. She wore a pink cape and golden shoes. The most notable difference about her were her eyes. They were slanted, with red sclera and purple irises!

"Hi!" She greeted insanely, to which I growled, "No!" The lady cocked her head, asking, "O, come come now, Clara. Is that how you talk to yourself?" "Only when the evil inside me shows up on a mirror when my powers are running wild." I bluntly stated.

Evil Me nodded, looking behind me and saying, "Yes, your powers seemed to have grown stronger since you last summoned me..." "I never summoned you!--" "O, that's right, you didn't." Evil Me giggled. "You never mean to summon me when you lose control of your powers...."

"My powers are under control." I lied.

"Really? I doubt that." Evil Me commented sarcastically.

I bit my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.... Purple blood....

"You have to be more careful," Evil Me chided, reaching out from the mirror and wripping the blood off of my lip! I leaped back, knocking her hand back into the mirror. She cocked her head, giggling, "You're so funny when your scared, Clara..."

I sat on the end of the bed, Darkness swirling at my fingertips. A tear fell down my face as I asked, "What do you want? What... What are you after?" "Isn't obvious? I want to help you. Help us."

I squinted my eyes.

"You can have complete and total control over your powers. But..." I laughed dryly, saying, "There's always a 'but' with you." Evil Me glared at me, saying, "You have to let me access your mind."

I shook my head without second thought, refusing, "Nope, not gonna let yay."

"Why? Is it because your scared that I'll hurt your 'precious' children?..."

"Cause I know that if I let you into my head, you'll bring... HIM.... back." I corrected.

Evil Me laughed, pushing on the mirrors glass. The mirror broke to her pressure, causing glass shatters to fall into my room! I yelled and rolled over the bed, landing onto my hands and knees. I got up and was about to shoot at her, until she grabbed me by my throat!

I grabbed at her wrists, trying to pry her off of me! Slammed against the wall, Evil Me placed a finger over her lips, saying, "Sh! Sh! You don't want the Ninja to worry why you're screaming, now do you?"


"Clara! Are you okay in there?"

I tired to call out a name, but all I managed to do was choke. Evil Me pushed some of my hair out of my face, (causing my to shudder), as she chided, "Your precious Green Ninja and his daddy and friends can't save you know, Clara...."


I punched Evil Me in the face, causing her to fly back into the mirror! Weirdly, the mirror formed back in the pane, looking as if it had never broken in the first place. Once I grabbed a blanket and threw it over the mirror, I stumbled towards the door and unlocked it....

The Ninja fell into the room in a pile of Ninja gi's and arms and legs! Once Sensei Garmadon had walked around them, I pulled him in for a bone crushing hug!

"I'm so sorry, Sensei! I'm so sorry!" I cried, as I hid my face in his chest, like I had done as a child so long ago.... Sensei Garmadon rubbed my back in reassuring circles, saying, "It's alright now, Clara; your safe now..."

"Ah, do you 2 mind telling us how you know each other?" Jay asked, as the Ninja un-dogpiled each other.

I faced the Ninja, quickly wripping a tear from my eye.

"Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay," I spoke each of their names, afraid it'd be the last time I spoke their names as friends....

"Clara? Whats wrong?" Lloyd asked, walking up to me. "And why did you attack the Master of Smoke so viciously?" Asked Cole, as I closed my bedroom door.

Walking back over to Sensei Garmadon, I began, "Guys, what I'm about to say has to remain between us and Zane, once we find him. Understood?"

The Ninja nodded, some worried, some confussed.

I bit my lip.

Here goes nothing.

"My... full name is Clara Overlord. The Overlord is my father."

The Ninja, including Sensei Garmadon, gasped.


Boom! Plot Twist!

What do you guys think? Clara's past will be revealed in the next chapter!

Plus, I'm thinking of writing 2, maybe 3 or 4 more stories and a role play, so comment ideas on both subjects!

Stay safe, my fellow Ninjagoians!

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