Trasformation Into Heroes and Snakes

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*Clara's P.O.V.*

"Still no sign of Chen?" Karloff asked, as Cole, Nya and I handed Karloff 2 of Chen's captured grunts. Cole frowned, firmly stating, "He escaped, but we'll find them. Did Zane ever return?" "The metal Man?" Karloff asked, adding, "I have not seen him....." "DAD!!!" Lloyd yelled, running towards Garmadon, Josiahthan and Faith before hugging his father.

Why am I feeling these pangs of jealousy all of a sudden? First Kai and Emma, and now Lloyd with his father! Sure, I may not have a love interest as of yet, and my dad and I are definitely NEVER gonna be close.... Maybe that's why I'm jealous? Cause I have never had a friend or father like these guys have.....

Simultaneously, Garmadon and Josiahthan fell over! "JOSIAHTHAN!!!" Faith and I yelled at the same time, my feet Quickly racing me to where Sensei Garmadon and Josiahthan were at. Lloyd knelt next to his father, asking, "Dad, what's wrong?!" Garmadon managed to groan out, the Anacondrai snake tattoo on his back glowing a sickly purple, "I don't know!"

"Your tattoo...." I said, even as Faith said, "Your back! It's glowing, Josiahthan!" I looked over to Josiahthan and sure enough, his back was a shiny, sparkly purple. If almost reminded me of one of those shiny vampires from Twilight....Don't know why, it just does.....

"Something's inside of me! Something is happening!" My formal Sensei nearly cried, holding his left shoulder and arm. I was slightly panicking, looking between Sensei Garmadon and Josiahthan. What is going on......?! Kai! Emma! Skylor! Chen must be trying to use the spell to turn his followers into Anacondrai!

Cole, Nya, Karlof and Shade took a step back from Sensei Garmadon once he became an Anacondrai, complete with a purple snake tail! The only difference between Garmadon and the other Anacondrai is that my formal Sensei maintained his human head and hair. Josiahthan had turned into the mutated form of an Anacondrai, the form he once used to fight Clouse with.

Garmadon spoke with a serpentine accent, hissing, "The spell....The spell! It's completely! If everyone with the mark of the Anacondrai is affected, that means....." Hearing some noices not to far away, everyone quickly turned to look. The followers of Master Chen broke free from their restraints, turned into Anacondrai warriors!

"No..." Lloyd whimpered to his father, causing Garmadon to place a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, reassuringly stating, "Don't worry, I'm always on your side." "Let's get them guys!" Cole declared, as he pulled over his Ninja hood and ran towards the newly turned Anacondrai.

The elemental masters raced towards the Anacondrai, as I made sure my children were safely hidden inside the outer walls of Master Chen's Palace. Running back outside, I used my powers to try to hit a Anacondrai warrior.... My powers weren't working on them! "They're too strong!" Cole yelled, a warrior tightly holding his arm. Griffin tried running around to confused an Anacondrai, but he quickly realized, "They're too fast!" "And they're too many of them!" Garmadon yelled, "Retreat! Get everyone to the palace!"

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!" Karloff yelled, as Shade and Griffin helped Neuro run to the palace. After punching a Anacondrai in the face, I bolted for the doors, even as they began to close! I yelled, reaching out, "Wait for me!!!" Lloyd, hearing my plea for help, reached out a hand and grabbed me, pulling me quickly into the safety of the palace walls. Our momentum however caused me to fall right on top of Lloyd, causing us to crash to the ground!

I don't know who was blushing more, Lloyd or me. Griffin ran by the both of us, simultaneously picking me up and setting me on my feet as he growled, "Get off my sister, Greenie!" "Griffin!" I spun around a few times, finally catching myself before I concluded, "Next time, warn me before you grab me and run off!" Griffin apologized, as I help Lloyd up, "Oops! Sorry, sis."

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but giggle before asking, "Are you ok Lloyd?" The Green Ninja nodded his head, "Yeah, I'm good....." Jay lit up his hands with electricity, yelling, "SNAKE AMONG​ US!!!" Lloyd jumped in front of Sensei Garmadon, ordering Jay, "No don't! It's my father!" Jay pushed Lloyd into me, asking Lloyd's father, "First it was four arms, then you became a dragon, would you mind picking a body and sticking with it please?!" I facepalmed.

Cole, grunted as he held the door closed, "Could use a little help! Argh!!!" Several of the elemental masters ran over to the door, holding the door closed as the Anacondrai tried breaking in. Cole asked, as swords began to slice through the door, "Does anybody know any knock knock jokes, cause this isn't funny anymore!"

I yelped in pain when one of the swords sliced into my shoulder, the blade twisting before pulling out! Lloyd and Sensei Garmadon immediately pulled me out of there, The Green Ninja craddling me as the Sensei began to wrap my arms up. I looked up towards Lloyd, the sun shining off of his blonde hair......

As quickly as the Anacondrai attacked, they retreated. Nya breathed,"Where did they go?" Cole began to open the door, but Jay quickly pushed it close again before yelling, "Wait! It could be a trick!" Quickly thinking, everyone climbed a ladder to reach the walls pathway to look over the side. What we saw made everyone gasp. Master Chen and his Anacondrai soldiers were taking our vehicles!

Chen opened fired, causing everyone to either run or duck! I held Dylan, Zoey and Ender close, shielding them from the laser. Once Chen and his snakes flew off towards Ninjago, Jay groaned, "This, this is just priceless! He took the Rotor Jet, and all of the blade copters!" Nya asked with worry woven in her voice, "What have we done?!" Griffin added, "We all have families in Ninjago!" Jay also commented, "Argh! And we had to destroy any other way off of the Island! Who's idea was that?!"

Cole turned to Lloyd, saying, "Your father was right Lloyd; we thought we had the upper hand! Our guard was done and look what happened!" "NOBODY LISTENS TO ME!!!" Jay and Jayden practically yelled into my ear, ranting on as Lloyd declared, "I'll go alone." My eyes widen as I asked, "And face his entire army?!" Lloyd looked to me, sighing, "I'm the only one with a elemental dragon.....!"

"No anymore!"

Everyone looked above us, seeing Zane riding a dragon.....Made out of titanium and ice!?!? Zane flew done to us, as Jay gasped, "Zane, none of us could do that before! You gotta tell us your secret!" Zane replied to us, "I faced my fear. When I realized it wasn't something in front of me that held me back, but something inside me, I found a deeper power....A dragon power!"

"Zane's right!" Kai yelled down to us, flying by on a Fire elemental dragon with Emma and Skylor, "We all have this power inside of us! But you have to see that it's not the Anacondrai we're afraid of, it's our doubt! Divided, we failed. But together, WE WILL SUCCEED!" Every elemental master, from youngest to oldest, unlocked their elemental dragon! Those who didn't have a element, (or who were hurt, like me), held onto the elemental masters dragons.

"The battle of our past has returned, but we will rise to meet that challenge!" Sensei Garmadon boldly declared, as Kai added, "Chen brought all of us here so that only one of us remained; well, we are One!" What did I say, as we flew back to Ninjago?



Sorry it took me a while to write this chapter; I've been making a new character, as usual. XD I hope you guys enjoy this!

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