The Final Countdown!

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*Clara's P.O.V.*

The Ninja and the Elemental Masters lost their ability to create elemental dragons. But thanks to a mental message from Neuro, The Ninja and the Elemental Masters regrouped back at Nyas Samurai X Cave. Misako was still giving me the cold shoulder, but at least Skylor wasn't trying to kill Emma anymore!

Noticing his mom acting cold around me, Lloyd placed a hand on my shoulder and asked, "She knows about your father?" I sighed and nodded, "The message was delivered...."

I really want to grind my foot into Chen's stupid face right now. How could he do this to me?! I finally find a family that I can be apart of , and then Chen has to go and ruin my relationship with Misako! Sure, I wasn't super close to Lloyd's mother to begin with, but still... I side glanced Misako as she accepted some tea from her husband.... I could have had the mother I always wanted....

"So why were we asked here?" Griffin asked aloud to all who would hear him, "We should be fightin' snakes!" Sensei Wu pointed out to the Master of Speed, "Because anyone could fight, but only one side can declare victory!"

Nya turned away from a map displaying the east side of Ninjago, informing all the Elemental Masters and kids, "In the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over the entire Eastern seaboard and is moving inland. With each village destroyed, they grow stronger!" Nya pointed to large masses of red spots dotting along the map as she concluded.

"That's a lot of red!" Karlof noted with his customary gravely voice. The master of metal banged his metallic gloves against each other, creating sparks as he growled "Karlof don't like red!" Gravis, the master of gravity, asked from where he stood next to Karlof, "How are we suppose to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our dragons. Not to mention, we're out numbered ten to one!" Zane corrected Gravis, "Actually sixty two point four to one!" I could hear Josiahthan facepalm from across the room.

Lloyd quickly jumped in before anyone could be discouraged further, "Look, I'm scared like the rest of you. It may look like we've lost, but it's not over! When we thought we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit! We let it fuel us! We grew stronger!" Lloyd's confident smirk caused my stomach to flip flop with several emotions. Is this what's it like to be falling in... and out?... of love?

Sensei Wu added once Lloyd was done with his mini speech, "There's hope! The Corridor of Elders!" "The Corridor of Elders?" Ash questioned the teacher. Ender whispered excitedly to Zoey, Israel and Dylan, "I've been there! They have statues paying homage to all the past heroes of Ninjago! It's amazing!" I ruffled up the little boys hair to quiet him down.

"I know we don't stand much of a chance taking on his entire army at once," Sensei Wu admitted before continuing, "But after he's controlled the East, he'll move west, tomorrow, and will have to past through Echo Canyon. Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottle necks." Sensei Wu pointed to a specific spot on the map, a spot that separated the East from the West, "Here, at the Corridor of Elders! The monuments honoring our ancestors. It's the narrowest channel, and our greatest chance."

Sensei Garmadon noted with his normal serious tone of voice "If we can't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like dominos!" "Karlof not like to lose!" The Master of Metal scowled, "Karlof fueled!" "What a peculiar man, the metal master is" Stephanie whispered to Clawyd, who only nodded his head in agreement.

"Then we have ONE day!" Sensei Wu declared, "to save tomorrow!" At that declaration, everyone threw their arms into the air and cheered, excitement and a new resolve settling in everyone's hearts. After that everyone split up to rally the citizens to our side.


Kai stood in Ninjago Doomsday Comix, declaring his message from the the top of a book shelf, "I wish I could say were not facing an army unlike we've ever seen, but we have. And we know what they're capable of."

Jay stood on a structure inside his parents junkyard, speaking to a group who have gathered to hear Jay speak, "Right now, our cities are villages are falling. Which is why we're asking everyone to rise up."

Zane stood in front of his statue in New Ninjago Cities park, monologuing his speech, "We all may have different backgrounds, but we all share the same future!"

Cole stood in the courtyard of Kryptarium Prison, talking to the Warden and prisoners alike, "You May wonder why were asking you to fight for Ninjago. We aren't. We're asking you to fight for each other."

Lloyd stood on the steps leading the Ninjago Cities museum, giving voice to a speech each one of us spoke, "Were asking you to fight as one!" People cheered.

Clara, who was actually Josiahthan in disguise, stood in a clearing just outside of Ninjago, yelling to the Nightmare Squad from a stage platform, "We only have one shot, one day, to save our home! So today, we prepare for the battle of our lives. But tomorrow, at dawn, we rise!" The Nightmare Squad goons cheered as Ronald stood not to far from the stage. He stared at "Clara", wondering why she felt so familiar... as if "she" were a friend he had always known.... or a friend he had lost some time ago....


Hey guys! I am super sorry about my inactivity on Wattpad; while I have wished I could continue writing my stories, my life has been so preoccupied that I haven't had time for writing here, or more or less writing at all. I will try to get back into the swing of things, but I cannot guarantee anything.

We are only one or two more chapters away from completing this book!!!! I have a ton of ideas for the next book in the series (yeah, I'm thinking about writing more Ninjago fan fictions surrounding my OCs), but I will probably focus on the stories of the children more than Clara.

What do you guys think? What would you like to see in the Final Battle? Has there been anything I've missed or left out? Or is there anything your curious about that you want me to delve deeper into? Please let me know in the comment section! Thank you so much for coming on this adventure with me, and May God bless you all! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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