Breaking In Problems

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*Clara's P.O.V.*

Night fell upon Ninjago. If you were any normal person, you would be brushing your teeth, changing into your pajamas and getting ready to enjoy a hopefully restful night. If you were any normal person, you wouldn't be hiding in the forest near a mad man's mansion, about to break into said mansion to save your family and friend.

Then again, I never was the normal type.

"Remember, destroy the staff and everyone's powers return. You came here to make your team whole. Finish the job." Sensei Garmadon told Lloyd, as Nya shot a grappling hook towards Master Chen's rooftop. Grabbing onto the wire, we slid across the gap of Chen's wall and courtyard, not being seen by any guards.

We were faced with fighting a few guards; either they had seen us or we had to take them out in order to move on undected. Opening a Window and peeking inside, we entered and began to sneak down the hallway.

I should have expected Chen to set up a trip wire; Lloyd touched a trip wire, causing the lights to go on and sirens to wail! Some of Master Chen's goons ran down the hallway towards us, but we easily kicked or punched them away.

"There's too many of them!" Lloyd gasped when more minions flooded in behind us. Nya kicked a few guys away, ordering us, "I'll hold them. You three, find Chen." Without wasting any time, Garmadon, Lloyd and I ran down the hallway, away from Nya holding the bad guys back. I gotta admit, she has a lot of guts.....

Turning a corner, we skidded to a stop as Garmadon yelled, "LOOK OUT!" Clouse, standing in the center of the hallway, shot a ball of Dark Magic at us! Luckily, the Dark Magic didn't hurt us; but it did knock us off our feet and onto the ground.

Getting back up, Garmadon told Lloyd and I, "Go, son, Clara. Leave Clouse to me." "Good luck." Lloyd told his dad, as Clouse arrogantly stated, "Your father doesn't believe in luck." "I know," Lloyd said, glaring towards the Dark Magic user, "I wasn't talking to him."

Grabbing my hand, Lloyd quickly led me down a hallway. I cloud tell that the Green Ninja was blushing underneath his Ninja hood; I would have been able to hide my blush, but I didn't wear a Ninja hood.

Lloyd let go of my hand. Literally, just as he did that, a trap door opened underneath his feet, causing the Green Ninja to fall inside and leave me behind! "LLOYD!" I called down, panicking slightly out of fear of him being hurt.

"I'm OK! Just go find your kids! Wow!!!" I raised an eyebrow at the last statement Lloyd more or less yelled. Either he was being attacked by Chen himself, Clouses Snake, or a ton of Chen's goons...... O snap, it could be......

"Reach for the sky, Elemental Master." Foxy, the Kabuki that had showed me to my room the day we arrived on Chen's Island, was holding a sword to my throat! Abby had changed slightly since I had last seen her. No longer wearing makeup, Foxy had a piece of cloth tied over her eyes, wearing a long red jacket over her red kimono.

Smirking like Loki, I told the Kabuki, "Sorry, miss, but I have some kids to save!" I was about to attack her, when Abby lowered her sword from my neck, saying, "I understand. I have 4 sisters of my own. Three of them are triplets; one is in a wheelchair and needs help doing certain tasks due to her handicapness. I would do anything to help them."

Patting my shoulder, Foxy simply stated, "Go. Find your siblings, your friends, your family. Find them all." Nodding, I said, "Thanks, Foxy....Abby." She nodded her head, telling me as she walked away, "If you need me, I live in a small costal town called Stixxs." Soon, she was gone, leaving me all alone again.

Braving the dangers of the unknown, I cautiously walked down the hallway, powers alight. Nothing was going as planned. By now, Sensei Garmadon and Nya could possibly be caught, and Lloyd could be fighting Chen as I searched for the others. I wasn't too sure what was happening, since my powers to see the future (through my blood) had run dry a few days ago.

I was walking blind..... Well, OK, I wasn't blind, but you get what I mean.

The feeling of not being alone began to form in my stomach, making me nervous. With no one to help me calm down, Evil Me was getting to the better of me. "Why don't you surrender to Chen and Clouse?" She asked, adding, "You and your friends are gonna lose anyway!"

Shaking my head, I mentally stated, ###My friends and I won't let Chen and Clouse win! They can try as hard as they like or as smart as they like, but we're not giving up Ninjago without a fight!### "Hmm, if only Daddy heard you say that...." ###SHUT UP!.....###

BAM!!!!! A searing wave of pain hit my back, causing me to fall down! I tried to get up, but only managed to shakingly get to my hands and knees. Someone came up to me from behind, coldly explaining, "Dark Magic has a lot of spells, all with different abilities and skills. This is the spell of pain."

I notice the teen twist his hand, causing me to fall back down, crying softly in pain. Usually, I'm good dealing with pain. But man, this was the worst. Chuckling, the teen said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Johnny, Clouse son." I growled at Clouse name. That growl caused more pain to shoot through my back, making me cry a bit harder.

Kneeling next to me, Johnny tied a chain around my ankle as he said, "To be honest, Clara Overlord, Josiahthan and I might have been friends once upon a time," I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy helping my dad beat up your son."

"Why you little......!"


Johnny, Clouse son, knocked me out cold. I was gonna have a long talk with Clawyd about his choices in friends.....


Things are getting more tense with each passing chapter. 😐

I hope you guys like and please leave comments! I really appreciate the feedback! Stay safe!

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