Dare #3

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Ok! We have our first battle! (If you don't count the prank wars) MadEmmagirl as Error and ShyGuyRedstone as Legacy Sans.

ShyGuyRedstone : I challenge Error to a fight!
Origin: Would that even count as a dare?
Legacy: Fine. I DARE him to fight me!
(Btw, origin and legacy share the same body sorta. Sorta like Legacy has 2 sides)

Error vs. Legacy

(Author~Chan) Make puns to summon Legacy Sans! It seems to always work!

(Legacy) Someone said puns! I'm here!

(Error) Hello there. Are we allowed to kill each other?

Sure, I can just RESET everything anyway. Let's start the fight! Error goes first!

(Error) *summons blue strings and darts them forward*

(Legacy) Error, you can try to kill me, but good luck. You should check my stats.


*ATK 500 
*DEF 27
*HP 6000

(Legacy) *gets tangled* Huh. Neat. *closes fist and strings break*

(Error) Well, not much to do about that. You ready to burn you abomination? Wanna hear about your verse?

(Legacy) Sorry buddy, I can't go to *BEEP* I'm out of vacation days.


*Error quickly turns around to me*

(Error) Say le beep instead

*turns back around*

(I was just overreacting. The word was h3ll if anyone was wondering but I'm still keeping in the beep skit because I find it funny and nostalgic.)

(Error) Ha, funny, wanna know something else funny, the chances of you existing. One in one thousand. The chances of you being killed, one in three.

(Legacy) You talk to me about chances, but you know fully well... *eyes turn black* Y o u ' r e   j u s t   a   g l i t c h   i n   t h e   s y s t e m .

(Error) I know what I am, but I'm the only one trying to take out the garbage. I'll die when I'm done. You, on the other hand...

(Legacy) Origin, execute "TestAttack"
Origin: Alright then. *snaps fingers*

*thousands of knives surround Error*

(Legacy) Move and you die.

(Error) I'm still a Sans, so, teleportation is an option.

(Legacy) Welp, at least it's cool. You got that much.

*Error teleports behind Legacy*

(Error) Surprise surprise!

(Legacy) Heh, you may have misheard me. Try teleporting, I dare you to.

*glitching Gaster blasters appear*

(Error) I don't have to move.

*all knives home in on Origin*

(Legacy) "TestAttack" otherwise known as "Soul Seeking." Have fun.

(Error) Frick.

(Legacy) Shoulda thought twice before trying to outsmart the Traveler of Dimensions.

(Error) Listen, it's been... fun but, I gotta go. I lose.

Awkward turn of events...

*gaster blasters fire*

(Error) But I live.

(Legacy) Oh, quitting already? Dang, I thought you would be a better challenge than Cross. Guess I was wrong.

*opens void portal, absorbing beam*

(Legacy) Origin: So... Do we win?

(Author~Chan) *shrugs* I guess you do.

This is probably the longest chapter I have so far and will be for quite a while. Since Error had to drop out and Legacy won by default, in the comments type in rematch if you want Legacy and Error to fight again to find a true winner. If you go to First Dare comments, you will see the real comment chain. It literally lasted an hour. Post more fun questions and dares in the comments and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!

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