The Drama

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So yeah yesterday something happened... Seto or Setosorcerer posted a video that he had been kicked from Team Crafted. Now I don't want to say much of anything cause really I'm not mad and have no hate toward the guys with what they have done. But my perspective toward them has changed since waching that video since I just couldn't and still can't wrap my head around... why? 

Though it is not for me or anyone else to really know because the decision was made and really the needless drama that subs and followers have created just makes things worse. Plus Seto stated in his video that he didn't want any hate to be directed at the guys for what happened. Seto is moving forward though it is sad to think that he lost his friends because of this though with time maybe they will all talk this through.I'm hoping that things work out between all of them and all if this can be resolved one day cause things take time. 

I'm going to stay out of the drama and support both Team Crafted and Seto still though my perspective on the group has changed some I'm still a sub and follow. So yeah.... Think I'm done with this little thing cause I really don't want to say that much since this is more of a ramble anyway lol. 

Just something else I thought of:

CaptainSparklez' Take Back the Night lyrics fit with this whole situation in a way when you think about it:

Bridges burned and broken on different sides we start anew

Being chased by monsters to face head on or be consumed

Reaching out for something grasping on to nothing to lose

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