Maybe We Are Too Young To Be In Love ...

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| Intro |

" Call me alright? " A girl said leaving.

" Alright. "

The girl got in her car and drove off while the boy went back inside .

" I ain't calling you... " He mumbled.

The boy had black , curly hair .

" Chresanto what I tell you about bringing these ratchet girls up in my house? " A woman with brownish hair said.

" They are ratchet alright. " A girl with brown hair said.

" Shut-up Bre! "

" No you shut-up! "

" How about both of yall shut-up K? " A boy with long curly hair said.

" Aye Ray I don't know why you talking because you bring the most ratchet girls home! " Chresanto said.

" I do not! " Ray yelled.

" Yeah you do! " He yelled back. " Ever since Erika died you've been picking the ugliest of the ugliest! "

" Oh yeah! Well when Yn died you acted like a cry baby! You bring these nasty popcorn chicks home talking 'bout me but I bet Yn glad so she can get away from you! "

That set it off. Chresanto jumped up and got in Ray face.

" Say it again? " He growled.

" Yoo its not that serious , Chill... " Bre said.

" Shut-Up Bre. " Chresanto growled.

" Ayye don't tell her to shut-up! " Some boy with blonde , short hair said.

" Craig How about you shut-up! " Chresanto yelled. " Lookin' like the next flashlight friend! "

" Thats it! "

They both were on the ground , Pushing and punching.

" Stoppppp! "

" Hey thats enough! " The woman yelled getting them off each other. " Chresanto I am sick and tired of you picking fights ! If it doesn't stop imma kick you out ! "

" You know what.. Fine , Fine i'm leaving! " He yelled.

With that he got his stuff and left.

" My goodness. " The woman said while tearing up.

" Its ok... He gonna come back. "

Meanwhile .......

" I ain't never going back there. " He mumbled.

He walked and walked until he found a house.

* Knock Knock *

" What you need? " The man asked.

" Somewhere to stay. "

" Come in. " He smiled.

But what Chresanto didn't know was that this was Erika's Father and Yn and Erika were in there too.

Long Lost Loves .. [ The last book to the series ]Where stories live. Discover now