Chapter 8: Nine Point Eight

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If you listen very closely, you can hear the whispering winds sing to you a lullaby of unspoken tales; of love, hope, reassurance, and faith. When you stand still on an empty field, or when you sit atop a rooftop counting the stars, or idly leaning against a trunk of a tree - the wind, it sings. It is clearest when you're alone, soaking in yourself as you traverse through your own labyrinth called 'I'. The song reaches out to a place inside you, whispers to you words and everyone from every tongue can comprehend it, because the wind sings in the language of the heart - the mother tongue of all.

Tiffany waited for Taeyeon on a wooden bench a top a rounded hill that gave a birds eye-view of Yeonsan's annual festival. The grass was dry below her feet, the rain clouds not daring to ruin the cheery festivities of the Yeonsan people with its wet tears. The girl breathed in the scent of the early evening wind, zipped up her light jacket and eyed the sun that was now preparing itself to set between the two emerald hills to the east. She was instantly reminded by the glowing smile of the little genius she had met two days ago in the train and the lasting words she said to her before leaving the train with both her parents and Jessica. 

“Tiffany-unnie, I can't find Taeyeon-unnie anywhere” Jessica said with a pout while she crossed her arms in frustration.

After being found by the little girl, Tiffany and Yuri were forced to help her find Taeyeon. They've been looking for almost half an hour now and still they had no luck in finding the girl.

“It can't be helped,” Tiffany said to Jessica, “you know hobbits are very good in hiding”

“Well, she better come out because we're nearing Yeonsan soon” Yuri said in an irritated manner. The little genius was frustrated as well since they had wasted so much time trying to find Taeyeon when they could have done something else with that time.

“We'll just have to look harder,” The eldest of the three simply replied, “It's not like she's hiding somewhere far, we're in a train after all”

With that said the three split up, Jessica going through one end of the train while Tiffany and Yuri going through the opposite end. Their faces turning left and right as they walked by the aisle of seats, trying to find any traces of the short haired girl.

“9.8 meters per second” Yuri randomly chimed from behind Tiffany.

“What?” she asked as she turned her head back to the raven haired girl.

“Rain,” Yuri simply answered, “it falls at that speed. If you're thinking that the wind would have a severe affect as to the speed of a falling rain drop, you'd be surprised that it doesn't. Wind from a perpendicular direction wouldn't affect the rain drop's speed rather the distance it travels.”

“How do you know this?” Tiffany asked incredulously.

The girl shrugged, “Pure speculation”

“And why are you telling me this, you lovestruck, sage-like, freaky little genius?”

“I'm just trying to analogize you're situation with Taeyeon-unnie to the rain”

Tiffany arched her eyebrows and spun around to completely face the little girl, “Eh?”

“The wind being the struggles you and her are going through. No matter how strong the wind is, moving in a perpendicular direction, it wouldn't affect the speed of which your heart falls for her, rather, the distance, or should I say time, for you to willingly and openly give your heart to her completely. Why not fight it Tiffany-unnie? Why not be the first rain drop to fight the stormy wind? Don't let it push you around as you move a great distance, no matter where you drift off to, you'll still be falling at 9.8 meters per second. Aren't you curious about what it feels like to hit the ground?”

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