"I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.”
- Dr.Seuss
Taeyeon let out a loud yawn as she groggily made her way downstairs from the guest room. The way down was adorned with various family portraits that hung on the walls. And by looking at them, gave people the impression that Sooyoung and Sunny valued family very highly. Smiling at the portraits that, in turn, smiled back, the short girl headed off to the kitchen. Taeyeon was greeted by a friendly face who sat on a bar stool beside a counter, and it shocked her that someone would be up at such a late hour.
"Sunny, you scared me" she said with a light chuckle.
"Couldn't sleep?"
"Yeah, so I was just coming to fetch a glass of water. You?" Taeyeon asked as she opened a wooden drawer before grabbing an empty glass cup. Turning on the faucet, she let the cup fill itself with water before lifting it up to her lips to drink.
"Same" Sunny answered. Patting the stool beside her, she signalled for the girl to sit down. "Tiffany asleep?"
"Yeah," Taeyeon answered as she plopped down beside Sunny.
"Well, that's good. Anyways, I'm sorry about this evening. My family can get quite embarrassing sometimes"
Taeyeon shook her head profusely, "No need to apologize. In fact, me and Tiffany enjoyed their company. You're quite lucky to have them."
"Yup," Sunny nodded with a wide grin, "quite lucky"
"I kind of envy you. You seem to have a great life here, no worries, no problems, nothing. You're happy, aren't you?"
"Very happy. But it'd be a lie if I said that I didn't have any problems." Sunny brought a finger to her chin, rubbing it while she contemplated her answer. “You can be happy even when faced with a lot of trials and obstacles. Happiness isn't the absence of problems,” she gave Taeyeon a knowing smile, “you should know this.”
“I should?”
“You aren't happy right now?”
“Of course I'm happy”
“Because Tiffany makes me happy. Nothing in this world makes me happier than her” Taeyeon simply answered. She had let the words flow out too easily, and it had come crashing to her teeth all to quickly.
“You and Tiffany must be close then?” Sunny asked.
“Very close”
“I hope you don't mind me asking, but... how does it feel?” the shorter girl enquired as she bowed her head down slightly to look at the tabletop counter.
“How does what feel?”
“To see the person you love the most hurt?”
“There's no words to describe it,” Taeyeon honestly answered because she knew that there weren't enough words to describe everything out there.
Soundtrack: Two
[Play for a better reading experience]
Terminal leukaemia.
3 Months.
That was what had been ringing inside Taeyeon's mind the whole morning as she sat there on a pink cushioned chair beside a hurting girl. Tiffany was laying on her hospital bed, wrapped in white sheets, her back facing Taeyeon. The shorter girl could see the inner battle Tiffany was fighting at that moment, could see the pain in her eyes without even having to look at them. Her best friend was trying to fake that she was alright, though the little sobs of pain betrayed her valiant efforts.