Chapter Fifteen: Devil's Church

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Part Two

The city of Gauna- which is pronounced "Gah-newa"- was more torn up than the resort. Cars littered the streets and the ground under the truck was crumbled and rotten. We all slowly got out into the dirt filled air. You could feel the death all around you, and not just the zombies.

Gauna has a bad history, which has made people flee from Rissa. When the island was first established, immigrants invaded the older villages and wiped out the whole tribe of Packrilli. We built Gauna and the resort, which is just known as Rissa. Scientists came to the island to research some radioactive stuff and they built laboratories all over. Some of them are just used for the dumping of chemicals they no longer need, which is why some people refer to it as the wasteland of Rissa.

After Gauna was built, a big gang of who we call Bandits decided to make the city their territory, forcing most people to flee to the jungle or the resort. They are still here today, which is why Gauna is basically the ghetto. They've torn up the whole city and have basically overruled the law enforcement.

"Where should we go?" Logan asks quietly.

Gemma grabs out her laptop and starts typing on the keyboard. "The church. Sister Annie is there." Gemma says as she closed the laptop.

Wilson nods as he gets in the car and drives it into an empty parking spot by the steps leading to the church. We head up the stairs and before we open the big gate to the outside garden, we all see the gigantic zombie growling at the closed door.

This zombie looks as if it was a body builder in a strait jacket having a spaz attack. His eyes were glowing red and he gives off a strong smell of death.

"He's obviously beed like this for a while." Caitlyn whispers.

"You mean he's been a zombie for a long time?" Gemma corrects.

Caitlyn nods as all four of us nervously look at the zombie.

We all look up at the unfinished balcony when we hear Sister Annie scream, "By the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this holy place!" Sister Annie is holding a cross in one hand and the other holds a bowl of what I guess was filled with holy water.

She starts chanting stuff in Latin as Wilson runs up behind us. We all carry our weapons, but this zombie was to big and powerful for us.

But that was when I remembered I had a pistol in my back pocket. I quickly pull it out and start shooting it through the bars on the gate. The others scream at the loud pangs the gun makes while Sister Annie screams, "Be gone, unholy spirit!"

The zombie 180's it way to meet my gaze and charges at the gate. I step back as the others practically roll down the stairs.

"Let that beast out!" Sister Annie screams at me.

Ignoring her demand, I look at the gasoline canisters at the far gate of the garden, leading to the graveyard. "Oh this is gonna be bad." I mumble as I unlock the gate.

"What are you doing?" Gemma screams as I quickly open the gate, run inside, and close the gate.

"I'm gonna kill this bastard." I scream as I face this zombie, which is now closer to the gasoline canisters. Putting my finger on the trigger, I squeeze it and the bullet hits the zombie right on the back. He turns around and I run over by the canisters. He turns my way and charges at me. I dodge him at the last second and shoot the canisters. They explode and engulf the zombie with flames. He freaks out and starts ramming into the wall by the graveyard gate.

Eventually, he plops down on the ground and stops all movement. The others walk in the garden and stand beside me. "Where did you get the gun?" They all ask in unison.

I answer, "I found it a while ago."

Sister Annie climbs down the side of the church by the uneven bricks. She brushes off her nun dress and walks over to us. "Thanks, Miss. I had it under control." Sister Annie says.

"Sure." I mumble.

Sister Annie leads us to the church door and lets us in. The church looks as if it was made in 1789 with it's crumbling walls and old style designs on the bricks. She leads us to a back room and we all sit inside, ignoring the ten people wondering why Sister Annie let us in.

"What do you know about this disease?" She asks.

Gemma looks on her laptop and says, "Some people can become immune by this disease, like us. The reason why these people are become zombies is because of cannibalism. I researched more and found out that if you've eaten meat here, then you have those oxygen cells from human meat in your blood and it reacts when you get bit. I don't know how exactly it works yet but I think the laboratories in the jungle have something to do with this. If you are a vegetarian, then you won't die from getting bit, but they can still kill you. I'll have to research more about Mad Cow Disease to learn more but right now, that's all I know."

Sister Annie looks down and asks, "So, I could become those unholy things?"

Gemma nods as she types more stuff in her laptop.

Sister Annie turns to Wilson and asks, "Where were you guys heading?"

Wilson says, "The jail. There is a helicopter there that will take us off the island."

Sister Annie asks, "Is the only reason why you told me that is because you didn't want to lie to a nun?"

Wilson nods and I ask, "So since Wilson told you, would you mind coming with us?"

Sister Annie says, "My pleasure! I can't spend another minute in this church of the Devil."

A/N: Yeah, another day late, but whatever. I've been lost on inspiration and it's harder for me to write bigger chapters since I don't have a laptop to write on.

Anyway, hope you have a great Sunday!

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