Chapter Nineteen: Bloodbath

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"Shit! Someone's in here!" One guy shouts. They all get behind knocked over tables and other stuff used for cover. If the others knew that I was in here on the opposite side of them, we probably could have taken them down. I only saw about five dudes in here, and there's no telling how much more there are.

A loud gunshot rings in my ears as all the bandits start shooting at something unknown to me. I desperately look around for some cover when one guy spots me. "Over there!"

I duck behind an end-cap and barely dodge a bullet. My pistol is ready and I point it at a guy who doesn't see me. When I pull the trigger, everyone gets down, but the guy I was aiming at wasn't to lucky. He gets shot right in the back of the head. Brains go everywhere, and I feel a little guilty killing this guy, considering it's the first living person I've killed.

"They got one!!" A big, burly man runs across the aisle and I shoot at him. I nick his arm, making him cry out in pain. "They got me!"

I quickly move to a knocked over table and hide behind it. Someone shoots and hits the wall above my head. "Get her!" Someone screams.

Aiming at the guy I had previously shot, I pull the trigger and hit him in the neck. He falls, leaving three more. "Suck it, bitches!" I scream.

Suddenly, I hear an alarm go off in the store. I realize that the window has been broken and Logan lights a molotov. He chucks it at the store. The molotov goes through the window and bursts into flames in between two guys. They both shout as they burn to death.

The last guy runs to the supplies. I realize that he has no weapon, so I run to him. With my pistol aiming at him, I shout, "Don't move, cock sucker!"

He puts his hands out, but before I can do anything, Caitlyn shoots the guy with her shotgun. He falls to the ground, brains and parts of his scull splattered on the walls.

"Caitlyn!" Gemma runs to her and grabs her shotgun. Caitlyn starts crying.

"Logan, help me get the supplies before this attracts those things." Logan and I grab boxes of supplies and we all head out of the store just before a horde of zombies shows up.

All four of us make our way back to the church, quickly and quietly.


When we get back to the church, Sister Abigail praises us for our courage and decided to let us have a break. Of course, Wilson was pissed at what we did, but it was quickly replaced with praise, since we did get our supplies back.

Gemma continues to look on her computer about Mad Cow Disease while Caitlyn prays in front of a Jesus Christ statue. Logan and I sit on the balcony of the church's top level. "So, we actually killed living people."

I slowly nod. "It feels so weird, despite us killing undead people."

"Probably because they aren't considered human. Those men we murdered we alive and breathing." Logan rubs his eyes.

I lean in and kiss his cheek. "We'll get out of here. That's a promise."

Logan smiles and pulls me into a hug. We hold each other in our arms for a while before we hear the screaming. Both of us look over at the grave yard adjacent to the church. We spot a few infected and surprisingly, we do nothing. I don't know what we'll do when we've finally given up.

Sister Abigail runs towards us from inside the church. "We need to relocate, and now!"

"Why?" Logan helps me inside the church as we realize everyone is frantically packing up and running outside.

Sister Abigail whispers, "Three people are bitten and we don't know how."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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