Chapter Ten: Just Keep Swimming

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I looked at the dark black waters of the Pacific Ocean. There were sharks in the waters, but it was either swim with the sharks or get eaten by zombies.

Logan and I ran in front of Gemma and Caitlyn and stepped into the cold water. We started swimming, but the water was so cold and I was having a hard time trying to swim. It felt like hours, and we haven't seen land yet.

Logan stops by a big plank of wood and rests on it. We all huddle next to each other holding on to the wood.

"I can't see anything out here!" Logan mumbles as he catches his breath.

"I can see anything either." Caitlyn, who was in the back, says.

"We've gotta keep going. We aren't going to get anywhere if we just sit here." Gemma says as she starts swimming away.

Logan, Caitlyn, and I all follow Gemma and we soon reach land, but the land we reach is the worst place possible.

The mechanic's shop. The mechanic here, Avery, is a crazy man who accused people of being Satanists. Nobody wanted to go to him when their car had a problem, but they didn't really have a choice. Avery was the only mechanic on the whole island.

Caitlyn runs inside the slightly cracked open garage and gasps. We all follow her to see that it's completely fine. No blood, no zombies, and no Avery. This makes all of us worry.

"Where did Avery go? He's almost never gone unless someone in Gauna or the jungle has car problems. I just saw him before all of this happened." Caitlyn says.

Logan bangs his head against the door leading to Avery's room. He jumps back when the door slowly creaks open. There is nothing in the room except for a small letter.

I enter the room and slowly read the letter. I read it once aloud so the others can hear.

"To whom it may concern,

Just to let you know, I'm fine. Titus offered me a ride to the prison in order to cure my daughter from this disease. I know she'll live but I needed some medicine from the prisoners in the jail. The laboratory hidden in the jungle is coming close to a cure and I want to make sure my dear Nina is safe. If you need me, I'm at the prison island not to far from Rissa."

Logan gasps and Gemma shrieks, "The lab workers are already creating a cure!? It's only been three days! I don't even know what caused this and I'm smarter than them!"

Caitlyn murmurs something but I can hear her. Gemma asks what she said and Caitlyn answers, "Nina loved eating meat. Look at us, well, me, Gemma, and Cindy. We don't eat meat. Rissa doesn't get meat imported from anyone so we have to get our meat from the island but we don't have chickens, horses, or cows."

Gemma chimes in, "Remember those disappearances in Gauna a while ago? They never found those people and I think I know why."

Logan slowly gasps, "They used human meat and fed it to everyone on Rissa."

"That's how you get Mad Cow Disease! Farmers long ago fed their cows left over cow meat, not knowing that it would make the cows sick. The cows went crazy and started attacking and eating each other. The natives of Rissa did that when a tribe member would die. They would eat the person so their soul can live on. That's what happened. That's why people turned into zombies. Everyone who isn't vegetarian were cannibals and they didn't even know. That's why we are immune. We don't have human meat in our system." I explain.

Logan gasps, "Then I'm immune too."

A/N:Sorry this is short but I updated right? Yeah, I just got impatient and told you everything so yeah. Keep reading and for everyone who was in my school's play 2 years ago, Keep Laughing!

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