When She arrived at Hogwarts, She rolled her eyes, 'three cheers for taking me out of Beauxbatons and dumping me here.' She thought to herself.

She entered the castle, slowly taking in her surroundings
It was just your average castle, cold, stone walls, delusions of grandeur dripping from the faces of some students, just an old ramshackle hell hole in her opinion

She entered the great hall, 'great hall? what's so great about it?' she smirked, not at all impressed

She waited for her name to be called as a whole bunch of first years were sorted into their houses. She looked towards the older students watching. 'Yep, just as bored as I am' she thought to herself, a man with long black hair scowled at her, 'does he use legilimency or is he just a miserable twat?' She asked herself, soon realising the mans face had just turned to thunder,
• 'Oh shit, I was right the first time' she thought

Her name was called and she took the seat beside the old man with a long beard and the old woman with... Well just a sour mush to be honest.
The hat was placed apon her head, and she waited impatiently to see what house it chose.
"Hmmm, well we have a clever one! Yes, very clever, very ravenclaw...but also cunning and ambitious too, the perfect Slytherin... she has remained strong through so much hardship - a gryffindor trait if ever there was one, ooh, what will it be... Slytherin!" The hat boomed.
There was a round of applause, and she looked around the hall, the man with long black hair was looking at her intently, he let a 'hmphh' out as her eyes met his.
The hat was removed from her head and she stood up and headed to the Slytherin table,
She took a seat, and wondered how in merlins name she had come to this......

Mya's POV

Maybe there's a plus side to this, just maybe I won't have to visit dad in France at all, I can make excuses and stay here.
I wish mum was still alive, she would have hated to leave me with him, if she knew.....

I spent most of my time at Beauxbatons hating it, it was full of posh la-de-daa types, I hate it when people are so far up their arses they're coming out of their own mouths. But I also hate change, and this place, well it looks worse than my old school to be honest.
I know I can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but I don't mean to really, just need to keep up appearances, you know, 'never let anyone see your weakness' and all that jazz.
Because I'm Mya Taylor, and 'Taylor's are never weak!' As father would say.

So, here I am, a student of Hogwarts school, a 7th year Slytherin and all in the space of a few hours, go me. Yep, sarcasm is my middle name.
Well it isn't but it should be.

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