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Mya was heading from class to the library as she had a free period and had been too busy to do much studying in the evenings.

"Miss Taylor" she heard a cheerful voice and spun around
"Hello Professor Dumbledore, how are you?" Mya smiled
Dumbledore looked down at her through his half moon glasses
"My dear, will you accompany me to my office there is a matter we need to discuss that's of great urgency" the old man smiled
"Of course" Mya smiled and followed him to his office

"Big Boobies" he spoke and the door opened
Mya couldn't take the smile of her face, he'd changed the password again

"Take a seat Miss Taylor...chocolate frog?" He offered kindly
"Thanks" she took the frog and started munching on it
"Right, on to serious matters" he smiled
'Oh no this is going to be about Severus and me...' She thought to herself

"No, no it's not. I already know about that dear" Mya did not reply as her mouth was already hanging open in pure shock, he had read her mind

"My dear, it's about your father Laurence" he started
Mya's heart dropped just hearing his name
"He has been bailed at the wizard courts, as he awaits trial with regards to his assaults on you"
"I just wanted to let you know, keep you informed" the old man told her sadly
"No! He's going to find me! They can't let him out!" Mya panicked
"They can because it has not yet been proven" Dumbledore stood trying to calm the girl
"But they will prove it, and he will be sent to Azkaban I assure you!" He placed a hand on her shoulder
"No... I... They can't do this...I must go professor sorry" Mya cried and ran from his office and out of the castle.

Albus left his office as quickly as he could, he knew he needed to find Severus, he went straight down to the dungeons and into Severus classroom where he was teaching a bunch of 3rd years
"Severus, a word please" the old man asked the potions master
"Albus, I'm teaching, I cannot leave this class of dunderheads alone" he groaned
"Severus, it's Mya Taylor, and it's very serious" Albus told him

"CLASS DISMISSED! Get back to your dormitories, lesson is over, go now!" Severus ordered and the 3rd years all picked up their books and collected their bags before fleeing in terror
They were all terrified of the wrath of Snape
"Severus, I had to break some news to her about her father, he has been freed from Azkaban...."
"WHAT?" Severus roared
"Only until his trial starts Severus, please calm down" Albus sighed
"Where's Mya?" Severus asked Albus desperately
"She ran from my office and was seen by Minerva leaving the castle building.... You must find her Severus she is in danger from him, and possibly from herself"
"Thank you Albus" Severus told the old man in a panic and rushed out the door

He ran down the corridor as fast as he could knocking students out of his way but soon halted
"YOU! Weasley!" He roared
"Yes Professor Snape?" Fred asked
"Have you seen Mya?" Severus asked calmly
"No, not since class this morning sir, why what's happened? Have you upset her again?"
"No I have not, it's her father he's free from Azkaban for the moment and Mya has ran away in tears, I must find her" Severus sneered
"Oh no! They can't let him out! Right, I'm coming with you professor" Fred stood proudly
"No Mr Weasley, you two go check at Hagrids hut and down by the black lake, I will take the astronomy tower, and the forbidden forest. NOW GO!" Severus ordered before he split from Fred and George.

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