Once Upon a Time

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{Author's Note: not all of the songs are in chronological order of the book's events, or anything. This is first, though, because it is technically first. I have written this in kind of a script form, so don't be shocked at the format. Also, some parts are spoken. I will have an asterisk next to each of these lines that are spoken, so yeah. I hope this is enjoyable for you guys to read. I know I enjoyed writing it.}

(GRANDMA enters, carrying a big book. She sits in a cozy-looking reading chair, and YOUNG ALEX and YOUNG CONNER sit cross-legged in front of the seat. GRANDMA opens the book, and ALEX and CONNER slide closer to listen.)

*GRANDMA: Once upon a time...

ENSEMBLE: There are four magic words!

GRANDMA: Once upon a time...

*ALEX: The famous story starter!

*CONNER: But it's not original! Can't people work harder?

GRANDMA, ENSEMBLE: Once upon a time...

GRANDMA: There was a...

ALEX: Bear in the woods?

CONNER: A girl on a mission for the greater good?

CHARLOTTE: How about the girl with the bright, red hood?

*GRANDMA: You'll see.

(GRANDMA proceeds to read the story, tale upon tale, to the TWINS, who eagerly listen with inaudible questions and comments. Characters- GOLDILOCKS, JACK, FROGGY, and RED overlap to tell their part of their story.)

(Dark-sounding music starts to play as GOLDILOCKS steps into spotlight, to the left of GRANDMA and the BAILEY CLAN.)

FAIRY-TALE ENSEMBLE: Once upon a time...

OTHERWORLD ENSEMBLE: Once upon a time... Oooo....

GOLDILOCKS: Once upon a time, I received a letter, supposedly from Jack, telling me to meet before

GRANDMA, GOLDILOCKS: The bears came back.

GOLDILOCKS: The bears came back, there was no Jack. So, accused of burglary, I hid so no one else could see... The shame that now comes with my name...

FAIRY-TALE ENSEMBLE: She's Goldilocks, wanted dead or alive...

GOLDILOCKS: Dodging all authorities, struggling to survive...


(RED bursts in, giddy, breaking into the middle of the story)

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