Goldilocks, Wanted Dead or Alive

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{I am so so so very sorry that I haven't updated this in forever... anyways, here's the song that started it all.}


GOLDILOCKS: I was fairly young, fairly recognizable when someone took a risk that most would just call sizable. I received a letter, supposedly from Jack, telling me to meet before the bears came back. Thinking I was early, I took some liberties; I ate, I sat, I slept, choosing as I pleased. Jack never came, so when the bears arrived, I was chased right out, ran off in order to survive. A cold, hard truth: I spent my life on the run. At my expense, someone had their fun. So now I'm Goldilocks, wanted dead or alive. Dodging all authorities; struggling to survive. In the time I had to keep from being bored, got a horse named Porridge and taught myself some sword. Goldilocks, wanted dead or alive... I will do whatever it takes in order to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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