Fatal Flaw

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“Okay Lily, it’s on. Start whenever you’re ready.”

Lilith drummed her finger against her thigh and whistled. “Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Lucy nodded, pulling up a stool. “Alright. Lilith. First of all, tell me your age and full name.”

“My name is Lilith Camilla Salem. I was born on December thirty-first, and I’m sixteen years old.”

“Anything special about your birth date?”

“Hmm. . .my father said they tried to have me in December. Because the closer to all hollows day I’m born, the more dark powers I’ll have.”

“Are you kidding! You could’ve been like Voldemort!”

“I’d also probably be evil, too. I don’t like messing with witchcraft and stuff. My father says it’s bad.”

“But, you still practice bending shadows and stuff though?”

“Yeah. As long as I don’t mess with spells, I’ll be fine.” Lilith squirmed in her seat, having broken her comfort zone by sharing her secrets.

“Hey, we can stop if you want?”

“Y-yeah Lilith. If you're uncomfortable. . .”

“No, it’s fine guys. This is good for me.”

The two girls nodded and went on. “Okay, so Lilith; favorite music?”

“Rock. My favorite band is the Vamps. No pun intended.” She laughed at that, staring off into space. “Whenever I hear their songs, I think of me and him. . .”

“What about Shalquoir? Aren’t you two. . .”

She squeezed her knee, looking down. “I. . .what me and Shalquoir have is. . .different. I can’t put it into words. I’m a mess.”

“It’s fine, Lilith, really. Anyways, what’s your favorite past time?”

“Collecting money from different countries.”


She nodded gleefully. “Yeah. I love collecting things from foreign places. Whenever I look at a Greek drachma, I think of ancient Greece. I just get a fuzzy feelings inside. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I close my eyes and imagine I’m on a mighty ship during a sea storm. Storms always helped me to relax.”

“This is good, Lily! You’re opening up! Okay next favorite book series--”

“Twilight. Next question--”

“Woah, woah, woah. Twilight? Like, that thing with the sparkling vampires?”

She nodded furiously. “H-have you read it before?”

“Err. . .no. It seemed somewhat offensive to be honest. We are totally not like how they make us out in the books, like, when was the last time you were stuck in a love triangle with a whiney girl and a werewolf?”

“Well, never, obviously. Werewolves don’t exist. It’s fiction, Lucy, come on now.”

“I feel like you just like anything vampire related.” She twiddled her thumbs guiltily. Lucy sighed while Lulu laughed. “Whatever, next question. Favorite movie?”

“Hmm. This is a hard one. I’m a huge fan of horror--”

“Of course you are. Lemme guess - Dracula?”

“What? No. If anything it’d be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but no, no. My favorite would have to be Evil Dead. Like, if that book actually existed, I’d make it my mission to get it.”

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