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"Holy shit- Oh my god- Get your ass in."

I laugh at Ashely, hanging my coat up - I knew this house well enough to know what to do.

"Who is it?" She pokes my arm, pushing my upstairs into her room.

"I'm not saying."

"is it that guy studying English Literature at university?"


"It is isn't it."

"Fuck you."

"I'm gonna get some food brb." Ashely says, quickly rushing down to her kitchen. She returns rather quickly, with two bowls of cereal with no milk (!) in (aka our guilty pleasure.)

"Right. So what have you done with him."

"Not much. Three dates."

"Really, where to?"

"One to the cinema, one just hanging out at his apartment, and one at a restaurant in the city."

"Apartment? Jesus is this your boyfriend or a sugar daddy."

"He's not my boyfriend or my sugar daddy." I roll my eyes.

"How old is he anyway lol?"

"He's 19- he's in his freshman year at university right now."

"That's not much of an age difference. But you're in high school!"

"Two years difference, Ash. At least he's not 47."

"Okay that was one time. I was 16, I was young and dumb!"

"That was seven months ago, Ash."

Ashley tosses a handful of lucky charms into her mouth, "I mean, if you really like him, go for it." She says between muffled bites. "Age doesn't matter if you really like him and he likes you."

"I guess." I smile, pouring handfuls of cereal into my mouth unceremoniously.

"I'll see you later, need to get home and stuff." I said as I glanced at my phone - my mom should be home in about 15 minutes.

"Okay, see you." Ashley smiles back, and I quickly leave.

If only she knew the truth.

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