fifty five

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"Hey, can you come here for a second?" Brendon shouts from upstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back, quickly jogging up the stairs. "Brendon, what are you doing?"

"Oh, looking through some old boxes in the attic. I still have them from my old apartment, and I was thinking about throwing them out." He explains, passing me a large box.

I take the heavy box from his hands, stumbling at its heaviness which makes Brendon chuckle. I set it on the floor, peering into it. There's a piles of sheet music, an old looking recorder and a few strings to fix guitars with.

"This might be a bit heavy." He says while passing my another large rectangle box. I take it from his arms, grunting. "Jesus, what the fuck do you have in here?"

"About 3 guitars. And there's also a keyboard up here. And a cello. There's a drum kit at the back as well."

"What the fuck?" I laugh. "Did you secretly play for My Chemical Romance when you were 17?"

"I wish I did. But kind of." He laughs.

"Kind of?"

"Yeah. I used to be in a band when I was younger. It sounds ridiculous, but-"

"It's not. Pretty cool, actually. And kind of hot." I blush a bright red, which he just grins in response to.

"I used to write songs when I was stressed. Still do a bit, to be honest. I have a few here." He passes me a large black folder, full of pages of lyrics and sheet music.

"When you were stressed? Were you intensely stressed all the time?" I say, flipping through the pages, reading a few lines. "These sound great."

"Really? It kind of was just a hobby, not a talent or anything."

"No, Brendon. These are really good. Like, really fucking good."

"I can play you a few sometime if you want."

"How about right now?"

"What? Oh, okay. Just help me get down these boxes first." He climbs up the ladder a bit more, pulling out a cello, a boxed drum kit and some more folders full of lyrics.

"Oh. I forgot about this." He pulls out a large sign. "Urielectric." He giggles childishly.

"Urielectric? Did you really get that on a customised neon sign?" I laugh loudly.

"Yeah. Might hang it up again, in fact." He says humorously. "That's all of them. The ones I'm bothered to reach, anyway."

We set up all the instruments downstairs near the piano, and Brendon sets up the drum kit surprisingly quickly. I spend more time flicking through the endless pages of lyrics, looking at the songs he wrote.

"Do you have any favourite's so far?" He says jokingly, tuning one of his guitars.

"Yeah, actually. "Nicotine" and "Trade Mistakes" I say confidently, and he widens his eyes.


"Yeah. These lyrics are beautiful, Brendon. You're really talented." I gaze at him, and he stares back at me before leaning down to kiss me.

I smile, taking his hand into mine, "I think it's amazing that you write songs, to be honest."

"I don't do it as much anymore." He sulks.

"You used try doing it again. With your voice and talent these would sound absolutely stunning."

He smiles again, blushing and looking down at his lap.

"It's funny - when I was younger I always wanted a career in music." I sigh, flipping through the folders. My eyes stop at a song called "Death Of A Bachelor".

"Oh, shit. You weren't meant to find that."

"Why? This is... incredible, B. These lyrics are just beautiful."

"Uh-" Brendon mumbles something. "It's not finished. This is going to sound really cheesy. I wrote that about you."

My eyes widen. "Really? I'm honoured Brendon, this is amazing."

"Yeah. You inspired me to write something again. You've just helped me so much, you know. Through all my bad habits and... you've just made me into a better person." Brendon says quietly, looking down at the floor and rubbing the back of his neck. "I was meant to give it to you for your birthday. But I guess you have it now..."

I smile, throwing my arms around his neck tightly. "I love you so much Brendon. You make me so happy and I'm just overall so lucky to have you."

"I think I'm the lucky one here, Em." He kisses me passionately.

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