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And suddenly it feels like my heart stops, and I almost collapse to the floor.

"Ma'am? We need to have you to answer for us."

"Oh God. What hospital? Do I need to bring anything?"

"Firstly we must know what relation do you have to Mr Urie?"

"I'm... I'm his wife."


I don't know what got to me. I know they only accept relatives, and obviously they wouldn't let me in if I said anything else.

To soothe my anxiety I also took my mom's old wedding ring from my stepdad. She wanted to throw it out, but I took it in secret just because I was 6 and kind of dumb.

I quickly took my mom's car, knowing she wouldn't really care. I had just gotten my driver's license a few months ago, so I wouldn't need to worry about that.

When I rush into the hospital, there's about 4 other families in tears. I quickly rush towards the receptionist desk.

"I-I'm here to see Brendon Urie? He was in a car accident..."

"Yes ma'am we just need you to sign this paper, and how are you related to Mr Urie?"

"I'm his wife." I fiddle with the fake ring on my finger, hoping she gets it. She hums in return, typing away on her computer.

I quickly fill out the form, and I accidentally write my own surname instead or Brendon's, which the receptionist stares at me for.

"Sorry. Still getting used to it." I reply, smiling slightly and scribbling away my writing. She nods, glancing at the form as I grow more and more impatient.

"Just turn to your right, 5th room down."

Before she can finish her sentence, I hurriedly rush down the corridor and count the rooms as I go. I get to the fifth room where there's three nurses stood outside the door, chatting away.

"Excuse me? My... husband was in a car accident?"

"Ah, Mrs Urie. Take a seat. We should let you to see him soon."

"How is he?" I ask.

"He'll be okay. A few cuts and bruises, but nothing too major. A large gash on his leg, though. He should rest for a week to allow his injuries to heal safely."

Because of my crippling anxiety, I agreed and sat down, relentlessly tapping my foot against the floor. I'm too shocked to do anything - I feel numb, and I can't cry, just stare at the floor in utter despair.

"Ma'am, you can see Brendon now."

I almost fall over as I stand up and rush past the nurse into the room.

There he is.

His skin looks extra pale, and has a few bruises on his neck and a large gash on his cheek, which has a plaster stuck over it. I almost burst into tears when I see him, quickly rushing to be by his side and lace my fingers around mine.

"Brendon?" I say quietly, my voice obviously shaking.

Luckily, he hums in response, still not opening his eyes, just giving my hand a small reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want water, food? Anything? Do you want me to call anyone for you?"

He hums in response again, but this time opening his eyes. Just seeing his dark chocolate brown eyes makes joy go to my heart.

"What happened?" He says quietly, slightly shifting in his position.

"You were in a car accident, but you're okay now."

"Why is your hair wet?"

"I got a call as soon as I got into the shower." I giggle slightly, tracing small circles on his hand.

"Ugh." Brendon groans, collapsing his head against the pillow.

"Hey, you'll be fine." I smile gently.

"Also, little side note, I told them I was your wife so they'd let me see you." I say quietly, glancing around to make sure no one heard.

"Wow." Brendon chuckles slightly.

"How's your leg?"


"They said you had quite a large cut there, and you're gonna have to rest for a week to let it heal."

"Shit. I can't do that. I have a class of useless rats to educate."

"Hey. Fuck you."

"Em, I'm in a hospital bed and just got into a car crash. I think I deserve some support and kind words."

"Kind words? Wow, Urie."

"When am I gonna be let out of here?" Brendon says loudly so the doctors would hear him.

"You may leave tomorrow morning, we must first run some tests to make sure you don't have anything too serious. But your wife will be able to take you home tomorrow, if everything is okay."

We both dart out eyes away awkwardly when he says 'wife'. Congratulations to me for making this incredibly awkward.

"Sorry about that." I whisper as soon as the doctor leaves us by ourselves.

"Nah- it's fine. Kind of cute, actually."



I quickly glance at me phone, noticing how late it is.

"I should get going, but... I'll be here tomorrow morning to get you and I'll spend the day with you."

"Can't you stay here with me? I hate hospitals."

"I would... but I don't want my mom suspecting anything after last week. I'm sorry, B."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Can you at least text me all night, just to reassure me that I'm still alive? I feel like death."

"You look like death too."

"Fuck you." Brendon pouts, letting go of my hand and crossing his arms.

"I'm kidding." I giggle, pulling his hand back into mine, "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep, okay?"

"Okay." Brendon smiles at me, gently closing his eyes and leaning back into his pillow.

I smile at his sleepy state, and after ten minutes when I'm sure he's in deep slumber I leave to go home.

I most definitely have feelings for him.

ahahaha another shitty chapter lmao

- m

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