Surprise Visit

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So let me just say, I am so sorry for taking so long on this. The introduction came to me pretty easy and I was between two different ways to go with this chapter.  I also just started a new job so things have been a bit busy for me. I'll try my best not to let so much time go past between updates.

Once again, I do not own Harry Potter rights. Most characters belong to JK Rowling.

Anyway, if you guys have any suggestions, or something you would like to see happen, feel free to leave it in a review. Thanks!


Flickers of light danced across the walls from the fireplace within Hermiones living room. Her flat sat above the store, it was nothing lavish, rather small, but it suited her just fine. She had just finished up a long and busy day, as Saturdays usually were, right before Christmas no less. She was lounged across her sofa, gazing out the paned glass window as a light snow began to fall. The thought of a certain blonde wizard invaded her mind once again. Hermione had found herself thinking of him quite often since their encounter two weeks prior.

She hadn't given much thought to her old nemisis much since her final year at Hogwarts. They had both returned to finish their studies and, surprisingly, Draco had been named Head boy with Hermione as his counter part. This was when she knew that he really had changed. They had shared a common room, but aside from discussions regarding their duties, the two kept to themselves for the most part. Not once did he degrade her, calling her the vile names he had taken to for so many of their younger years. Not once did he taunt her over her blood status or looks. Truth be told, they had both been damaged by the war and there seemed to be a mutual, albeit silent, understanding amongst the pair.

Of course she had noticed him frequent her shop. Draco had always been a man of intellect, the only one in school that could have potentially surpassed her in grades. Never sure how to approach him, she had resolved to letting her employee's take care of him. That was until she heard the way Christine spoke to him.

Hermione was well aware of how prejudice had shifted in the wizarding community. Where once was hatred for muggle borns and half-bloods, was now a loathing for reformed death eaters and defected supporters of the Dark Lord. It was the reason why she had fought for their rights as well. She saw first hand what that kind of hatred could do, the ghastly scar on her forearm reminded her of that daily. Although most could understand and even support her cause, there were still many who objected to the law. This included her former fiance, Ron. While she loved him dearly, she refused to spend her life with someone who could hold so much hate within themselves. Ron resented her for her choice, claiming she chose parasites over him and they were never able to salvage their friendship.

A knock at the door pulled Hermione from her thoughts. Rising from her spot on the sofa, she made her way across the room, opening the door to find her one of her dearest friends.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were touring for another week?" she said, pulling Ginny into a tight hug.

Ginny laughed as she returned the embrace "I wanted to surprise you and Harry."

Hermione released her, giving her a warm smile. "I missed you terribly. Come in, coffee?" she asked as Ginny stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "Please." she responded as she hung her coat up.

With a quick wave of her wand, Hermione conjured up two mugs before pouring them both a drink. Ginny taking a moment to look over the flat, noticing nothing had really changed aside from a small Christmas tree nestled in the corner of the living room. Taking a seat at the small kitchen table, Ginny eyed her friend. She had become fairly protective over her, despite herself being the younger of the two. After the war, Hermione had become the sister Ginny never had. She had even taken her side when Hermione broke off the engagement with Ron. She too had returned to Hogwarts and noticed a change in not only Draco, but most of Slytherin house, and fully supported Hermione when she fought for the new laws.

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