Breaking Through

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So glad to see the positive feed back I've gotten from this.

A special thanks to ndavis77 for all the reviews you've left. I'm really happy you liked the choice of book Hermione gave Draco, and I hope you like where I take it.

As always, I hope you all enjoy, and thank you all for reading!


Hermione scurried about her flat in a rush to get ready. She was meeting with Harry that morning to help him find new dress robes for the Ministry Gala. One of the many things the two had in common was their genuine distaste for shopping. While Harry definitely needed a woman's opinion, bringing his wife along would turn a simple outing into an all day event. Hermione offered to go with him in Ginny's place so the two could catch up.

Grabbing the last of her things, she stopped into the shop to check in with Sarah. After leaving her with a few tasks she went to walk out the door only to find Harry waiting for her outside.

"Was beginning to think you forgot about me."

"I'm sorry" she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek "I woke up a little late."

He chuckled "it's fine Hermione. Let's get this over with."

"So how are you? Hows work? I feel like we have barely talked lately."

"I know, I've been tied up with this case at work. Things have been good though, it's nice to have Ginny home. She said she told you our news."

"She did, and I'm thrilled. Her new job sounds perfect."

"We got really lucky. It was a concern of hers. She wanted to be able to do everything her mum did but at the same time she wanted a career. She's happy and that's what I care about. What about you?" he asked as they made their way into the small shop.

"Me? Good. I'm really good actually."

Harry started to sift through the rack opposite from her. "Would that have any thing to do with Malfoy?"

Hermione jerked her head in his direction, eyes going wide. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh c'mon Hermione, how dumb do you think I am?"

"Ginny said she wouldn't say anything to you."

"And she didn't. In fact that's what gave it away. When Ron stopped by that night, she didn't say a word about it. Ginny. My wife. Said nothing. Then she was up first thing the next morning rushing over to your place. I can put two and two together."

"Are you mad?"

"At what? You and Malfoy, or you not telling me?"


"I'm a little disappointed, but only at you not telling me. I don't care who it is. If you're happy, that's what matters. You look happy. Are you?"

"I am actually. So it being Malfoy doesn't bother you at all?"

"Not really, the guy gets a rough break enough as it is. You know how much good he's done over at St. Mungo's? Shame no one knows."

"Knows what?"

Harry looked at her with surprise. "Hasn't he told you about what he does over there?"

She shrugged "He said he updates healing potions, and has made a few of his own, but aside from that he doesn't discuss work much."

"Hmm, well if he hasn't told you maybe I shoudn't-"

"Harry, just tell me."

He hesitated, looking back down at the racks of robes. "Look, I only know about this because some of his work has helped aurors in the field. He has created some potions that are so powerful that can knock out some of the darkest magic there is."

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