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As always, hope you enjoy!


Draco returned home late that afternoon to the incessant sound of tapping against the window. He went over to let the small owl in. It pecked at his hand when Draco tried to remove the small scroll causing him to hiss in pain. The owl seemed pleased by the action as it puffed out it's chest. Draco scoffed before proceeding to retrieve the letter. The owl promptly turned and flew back out. He unraveled the parchment, revealing his mother's delicate penmanship.


I must speak with you at once. Come to the manor this evening for drinks as we have a certain matter to discuss.


"Shit" he mumbled to himself.

He dropped the letter on the table and rubbed his palms across his face. He knew exactly what the 'certain matter' his mother wanted to discuss was. The woman read the Daily Prophet religiously, and after the very public display of affection he and Hermione had given the prior evening, he was sure that it had made the headlines.

He knew full well that she wouldn't be cross with him, but her feelings would undoubtedly be hurt. While his mother was notorious for prying, he still rarely kept anything from her. He wanted to tell her but he had to keep it from her at first. His mother, much like Hermione, wanted desperately for him to let go of some of his grief and find some happiness in this world. He didn't want to get her hopes up by revealing his new relationship too soon.

With the evening approaching soon, he made quick work of taking a shower and putting himself together. After he was ready he groaned to himself as he tossed a handful of powder into the fireplace before calling out his destination. As he stepped out he found his mother already waiting for him, a glass of wine in hand.

"Draco dear, I see you received my letter." she said in a cool tone. She rose from her feet as he approached, planting a kiss upon his cheek.

"Mother, good to see you." he moved to the small bar and poured himself a glass of firewhiskey. He turned around and eyed her for a moment. "Well there's no point in dancing around it, say what you will."

"Whatever do you mean dear?" she replied, a smirk that could rival her sons slide across her face as her other features remained composed.

"Don't play that way mother. While I didn't bother with today's headlines, I am quite certain you did."

"Is that so?"

"Mother" he stated firmly.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "You and Miss Granger?"

He nodded in affirmation as he moved to take a seat across from her.

"Well then" she paused "why is it that I had to find out through the paper instead of my son?"

He shrugged.

"Draco..." she drawled.

"I didn't want to say anything until I knew if it would be serious or not."

"Hermione Granger doesn't strike me as the type to play games Draco. Why would you question her intentions?"

"I didn't question her intentions."

"Then what was it?"

He brought the glass to his lips. "Her judgement." he admitted as he took a sip.

"Her judgement? You mean about you?"

"Yes." he said as he looked down at the amber liquid in his cup.

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