Beautiful Rose

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Hope you like this chapter. I plan to do more on Draco in the next.


Hermione's eyes fluttered open as the sun rose over Diagon Alley spilling beams of light through her bedroom window. Cursing under her breath, she pulled the covers over her head. After returning home the night before, despite her efforts, sleep seemed to be eluding her. Thoughts of her evening with Draco had kept her mind busy.

She was slowly discovering a man that she never knew existed. To anyone else, Draco appeared to be hard and calosed, undoubtedly a side effect from the war. Around her though, he let down his defenses enough to allow her to glimpse inside, begin to understand his depth and who he was. She could tell he still held much back, and surmised that he had many demons buried within that he did what he could to deal with them on his own. She was fascinated by him, and could not stop asking the question what if?

What if he had been raised differently? What if he had not been held back by prejudice? What if he had never called her mudblood? What if he never had been forced to take the mark? What if he hadn't been given the task sixth year? What if she had known him sooner? What if she was beginning to feel something for him? What if he felt something too?

He had grabbed her arm so gently, running his finger over her scar as if it were not even there. While she had learned to accept it, as not even the best healers could find a way to remove it, when she let it show, she could see the discomfort it placed on others. Not because of the word, but because of what it stood for. During the trials after the war, the information of Hermione being tortured had been released in excruciating detail and when her scar shown, that was all people saw. She was certain that Draco saw that too, but unlike so many others, he did not cringe or look away. When most looked at it, her scar reminded them of a time they would rather forget, but Draco,  he didn't wish to make it disappear. Only to accept it as another part of her.

Accepting that she would not be getting anymore sleep that morning, she tossed the covers off of her, reaching for her bathrobe and wrapping herself inside. Grabbing her wand off of her nightstand, she made her way to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. Upon entering she saw her fireplace erupt with green flames followed by Ginny's face appearing before her.

"Hermione, I need to talk to you. Please tell me you're up?"

"Yes, yes. Come through."

Only a moment after her face disappeared, Ginny was stepping out from under the mantle. Hermione rubbed at her eyes while she greeted her.

"Honestly Ginny, you think I can atleast wake up a bit before you come-"

"Is it true?" she interrupted.

"Going to need you to elaborate Gin."

"Are you seeing Malfoy now?"

Hermione stared at her in disbelief "What? Where on earth would you get that idea?"

"Well...Ron stopped by to see Harry last night."

Hermione rolled her eyes "Of course. What did he say exactly?" she turned back towards the kitchen.

"Something about you two being all over eachother at The Leaky Cauldron on Christmas." Ginny said as she followed her.

She scoffed. "Said that did he?"

"Well, yes, but there's more."

Hermione turned around, leaning her back against the counter and folding her arms in front of her. "Not sure what else he would have, but go on."

"He said he saw you two together again last night leaving his apartment."

Hermione felt her cheeks grow hot as she became more angered. "It's none of Ronalds business what I do with my life Ginny. I'm sure Harry was quick to take his side too."

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