Derek's POV
Everything flashed before my eyes. I don't even know what happened. My car was flipped a couple times. I called 911 and got her out.
I held her until the ambulance got there then they put her on a gurney and I climbed in. I held her hand and tried not to cry until we got her there. They told me she didn't need anything major like surgery but they would have to keep her stable and she would be unconscious, but not long. They said she didn't seem to have a concussion and that was a very good sign.
I stayed by her bed for 3 hours and she woke up.
Cadences POV.
I woke up in a white room. Everything hurt like hell. I felt a warmth on my left side. I turned and it was Derek. He was holding my left hand with both of his and he was resting his head on me.
"Der?" My thought was dry and my voice was raspy. His head shot up.
"Oh my gosh, C." He said, in a breath. "I'm so so sorry. I never meant for anything to happen. Please forgive me. Please." He begged.
"Calm down, D. What time is it?" I asked, looking for a clock.
"7:45." He said.
"Get a doctor." I said, after Derek handed me a water. He nodded, kissed my forehead and went into the hall. Not 2 minutes later he came back with one.
"Hello, Ms. Argent. How are we feeling?" He asked.
"I'm feeling fine. Nothing hurts except where this IV is." I said. And lied. " look. It was just a bad car crash. I remember everything up until I passed out. Can I go? I'm fine!" I tried to convince the doctor.
"We are going to run a few simple tests on her and if she's okay she is free to leave." The Doctor said.
"So there is no way in going into work today. Actually. Do you have your phone?" I asked. He nodded and handing it to me. I dialed the number.
"Hey this is Cadence Argent. I'm supposed to come in at 9 but there is no way I can. Could I be able to come in at 11, then add time to my shift for the time lost?" I asked the person on the other side of the phone.
"Hmm. What would be the reason you're in late?" They asked.
"Uh. Well I'm getting discharged from the hospital in an hour or two." I told them.
"Megan. As manager. I think you just shouldn't come in at all. I mean. If you're getting home from the hospital, then you need rest. I'll call someone into work to work the day for you. You can just make it up another time."
"Okay. Well thank you. Bye." I hung up and handed the phone back to him. The doctor came back in. He got me ready for the tests then I asked him for something that said I was in the hospital for work.
An hour and a half later, I was discharged.
"How are we supposed to get anywhere?" I asked Derek.
"I may have snuck in your house and got the keys to your car." He said with a proud smile on his face.
"Nice job, Hale." I said. He took me by the hand and we left. We went back to his hideout thing and he hid the car so no one would find it. We went in and all my stuff from Derek's car was here. My bag. My perfectly fine phone. And stuff that was just in there that he brought back. "Wow." I said. Picking up my phone. No messages. Odd. You'd think my family would check in on me. But I did leave a note so.
"Happy you don't have to go in?" Derek asked. I shook my head like a child.
"Do you have a laptop?" I asked.
"Yeah one second." He said then went into a room. He came back and brought one with him. I took it and thanked him. He took my hand and less me to his room. He sat me on a couchish thing for me to do my work.
It took three hours to do with Derek asking if I was done yet every five minutes.
"Are you done yet?" He asked.
"I am now." I said a laid the lap top to the side. I got up and went to lay by him on his bed. He sat up before I fully laid down and brought me to his Lap.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.
"Yeah. Just shook up." I said.
"I am so so so sorry. I didn't know it was going to happen." He said.
"Derek. It's okay. And you're right. You didn't know. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself." I said to him. I kissed him passionately. I put pressure on a part of him and he opened his mouth. I slid MY tongue in because I'm dominant this time. But Derek isn't going down with out a fight. His tongue is very strong. And eventually. He won. We pulled apart 3 minutes later out of breath. And kissed again. But uhh we didn't pull apart until almost all the clothes were off and he was on top. I wasn't going to stop him either. He looked home up and down. Which made me nervous. I don't have the best body. But he looked back up at me and smiles. "What?" I asked.
"You're so beautiful." He said. He snapped my bra and threw it away. I took off his boxers. He finally took of my underwear. He started kissing my neck. I quickly wrapped my legs around him.
We laid in bed and I was asleep. When I woke up. Derek was staring right at me.
"Well hello." I said.
"Hi." He winked at me.
With that. I fell back into a deep sleep.
Until I was woken up by someone running down the steps.
Short chapter. Awkward chapter. I'm an awkward person so it fits. But haha. Sorry boutcha
Not edited

Bumper Cars [Derek Hale]
RandomCadence Argent. Fearless werewolf hunter. 21 years old. Has lived with her aunt Kate since she was 14. But she's finally moving back in with her parents and sister. She's out for blood. There's a reason she is moving back in with her family. An alp...