It's been 5 days since I got back and tomorrow is when I have my meeting with chief. I have decided to, not quit, but not be full time. They can contact me when they need me.
Now I have to go shopping with my sister. And Lydia of course, but that's fine; she's my other sister. I get in my car and drive to the apartment complex where my father and Allison are staying. I go inside and walk up to knock on the door.
"Hey Cade." My dad says as he opens the door.
"Hey dad." I hug him. "Where is Allison?" I ask when we let go.
"Oh. She's in her room. Come in if you want to." I nod and he lets me in. It's Friday and they don't have school because yesterday, the power went out in the town and there were also threats of a bomber and they still haven't caught the guy, so.
We walk into their kitchen and he opens the fridge.
"Do you want a drink?" He asks me.
"Uhhh just water, thanks dad." I said as he tosses me a bottle of water.
"Allison, cadence is here!" Dad yells across the apartment.
"Okay, okay. Give me a second!" She yells back.
"So I heard about you and Derek.." he starts.
"What about us?" I ask, more quiet than normal.
"So the engagement it off?"
"Oh. Uh well postponed I guess. I just. I don't know, dad. You should've seen it in the distillery. There was something between him and Jennifer. You know me and commitment issues because of this. I just thought Derek was different." I shrug. Not knowing what else to say.
"He is different baby. And you know that I would've never defended him if he didn't give me reasons. Julia truly did cloud his eyes. She had power over him. He couldn't help it." He said, softly. "While you were away. He called. So many times. He asked if you were back, if I had heard from you, if you said anything about him. I could hear him well enough to know he had been crying. Cade, baby, I couldn't ever think of someone so perfect for you. I've seen you with him. It's like no one else is around but you two." He gives me a light smile.
"But dad. I--I don't know what to do. I'm so lost. I'm scared." All he did was hug me.
"It's okay to be scared. But you're fearless. You're the queen of werewolves, and an alpha, you're mates with the king of werewolves. And. You'll always been an Argent. My little girl." I hug him.
"I love you, dad." He muffle in his chest and inhale his cologne.
"I love you, too, baby girl." He kisses my head.
"Okay. Okay I'm ready. Oh. Am I interrupting something?" Allison walks in.
"No. But get your butt over here into this amazing hug." I said and opened my arms. She smiled and lunged in. "Dad you smell really good," I muffle when I lay my head back in his chest. I feel the rumble of laughter from his chest. After about 2 minutes, and losing track of time, Allison finally remembers.
"Oh wait. Lydia is waiting on us. We gotta go." I nod in agreement. Allison and I kiss his cheeks at the same time.
"Love you dad. Bye!" We say, simultaneously.
"Bye girls. Love you too! Be careful!" He tells us as we walk out.
Derek's POV

Bumper Cars [Derek Hale]
RandomCadence Argent. Fearless werewolf hunter. 21 years old. Has lived with her aunt Kate since she was 14. But she's finally moving back in with her parents and sister. She's out for blood. There's a reason she is moving back in with her family. An alp...